Chapter 2

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His heart is arching.

He took a sharp breath and made his ways to the group. He knows them.

Everybody does.

There's the one and only Harry Styles, leading the group with an arrogant grin. Louis hates him. Obviously duh. Next to him Niall Horan. His father is probably the richest man he could think of but still, Niall is the friendliest rich boy Louis has ever met. Behind them there are Luke Meyer, Rob Avery and Zack Ricks. Errand boys who would probably do everything for Harry. Louis rolls his eyes. That's so fucking stupid.
They all smell of money and a touch of Tom Ford perfume. The Richie Rich. That's at least how Zayn and Louis call them.

"Hello. Welcome. The usual table?" Louis really REALLY tried to keep his voice as friendly as possible but he failed. Miserably.

"Yes, thank you. I'm starving!", Niall exclaimed in a light voice and was already approaching their table while talking to Louis.
Louis took the menu and placed one in front of every single member of this extraordinary group. He wants to vomit.

"I bought a new car.", Harry suddenly told the boys who just widened their eyes and looked at him. Surprised.
"You already have three cars Harry! That's ridiculous!"

Thank you Niall. At least he's not the only one thinking like that.

"But I don't have a red one. I wanted a red one.", Harry replied in a monotonous tune.
His eyelids laid heavy on his green orbs and created a bored expression.

Idiot. Little stupid idiot who knew nothing about life, except spending money for unnecessary things while Louis has to turn every single penny.

"If you say so. I want to eat now! It's my treat.", Niall loosens the mood.
After they had ordered their food Louis took a relieved breath and glared at Danielle while walking back to the counter.

"I loose my mind. He's such an arrogant idiot. Argh!". Danielle knew how much he hated these people and especially Harry. She hummed in agreement and slowly took her eyes off the five boys.
"What did he do this time?", she asked with honest interest in her eyes.
"He bought his forth car! Four fucking cars! That's insane! I don't even have a proper phone and he is throwing all of his god damn money out of the window! It's driving me crazy... he could at least do something necessary with the money but instead he chooses to be wasteful!", Louis' blood boiled.

"Yeah... I don't understand him either.", she turned to look at him and the pity shine of her eyes made Louis mad. He shoved her away in a gentle manner and took the food for table 10.
"I have to go."


An hour passed and they still sat in their chairs laughing about jokes the Luke guy did. Louis was faced with Harry's back and he followed every shaky move his shoulders did. Ironically Harry was the one who laughed the least. Too cool and arrogant to let himself flow with the mood, Louis assumed.
"You're staring Louis.", Danielle suddenly declared.
"Oh god!", Louis held his chest, looking away,
"I nearly died! Don't scare me like this!".
"Calm down dra..."
"Drama Queen yeah yeah already heard this today.", Louis got distracted by a voice shouting: "Dessert table 28!".
"That's mine! See u Dani.". Louis grabbed the plates and maneuvered them through the restaurant.
"Your desserts.".
"Lava cake! Yay.". Horan. Obviously.

Once the group finished Niall paid for the meal. Louis waited for him to give him the money and let his eyes slip over the Richie Rich. Luke and Zack chatted about some football game and Rob was texting on his IPhone 13. Harry...
Yeah well Harry caught Louis' eyes and gave him a challenging look.
Okey Louis. Don't bitch. Don't bitch. Don't...

"Here.", Niall saved the situation.
"Thank you. I hope you had a great time. Till next time.", Louis smiled at Niall and made his way back to the counter.

He put the money in the cashbox but instantly felt eyes resting on him. He looked up and met Styles' eyes. Idiot. May his new red car get a big ass scratch.


Back at home he was greeted with a crying Phoebe. Apparently Daisy pushed her off the couch and Phoebe broke her arm.
Spoiler alert: she didn't.

"They're so annoying Louis!", Lottie whined.
"They're your younger siblings and you have to take care of them while I'm not home.", Louis said while walking in the kitchen to prepare dinner.
Lottie just rolled her eyes as a response but helped him.

"I really love you guys so much.", Louis suddenly confessed. "And I'm sorry that I'm never at home."
"You're working so we can have a good life Lou. It's okey. We understand you and we love you so so much for taking over the role as our
parent after Mum and Dad died.", she casually said while mixing the ingredients for the sauce. But Louis knew her better.
"I always have the urge to cry when I think about them too. It's okey."
He took her in his arms and rubbed her warm back.
"I miss them... so much.", Lottie sobbed at his shoulder, his T-shirt soaked up with her tears.

After five minutes she let go of Louis shoulder and smiled a little bit as soon as she saw the wet spot.
"It's okey."


Finally lying in his bed, Louis allowed himself to let go. A single tear slipped out of his eyes.


His mind wandered of to the worst night of his entire life. He remembers waiting for his mum so she could help him with his school presentation. She was late and Louis had to make dinner for his sisters cause they began to whine. He slowly got worried. She never came too late but at the end she didn't come at all.
An invisible hand held a tight grasp on his heart. He had the feeling that he couldn't breath. That his lungs stopped working. That his heart stopped beating. But nothing changed. He was still here. Without her holding his hand and telling him that he's doing great.
Johannah and Mark died in a car accident.
The last think she said was: "Watch the girls till we're back."

He never stopped.

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