Chapter 22

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Harry has gone wild.

Out of control even.

It's was day three of 'win Louis' heart' and his house slowly but surely transformed into a flower shop.

Instead of the table the six bouquets of flowers where now neatly arranged on the floor. Who didn't make it easier to manoeuvre through a room with four sisters.

Day 2 had the theme 'Golden' because apparently Louis was, he quotes, 'way too bright' and 'loving him was the antidote'. Whatever that means.

Day 3 had the theme 'music'. Kind of obviously isn't it? Nevertheless even Louis had to agree that it was adorable how much effort Harry put into this.

However, he was still hoping for an end of this all so his sisters would stop talking about Harry every minute they were awake.


Today, so Wednesday, Louis had to work in the restaurant and didn't really have had time yet to learn. He was tired honestly. He felt like he was caring a bag ob bricks and his muscles were arching from the previous football training.

Arriving at the parking lot his mind was a bit clearer than before. He had a shift with Danielle so it wasn't THAT bad.

At least he thought so.

Opening the workers only door on the back of the building he was immediately greeted with the sound of his laughing best friend.


Because Louis didn't want to sound arrogant but Danielle was only really close to him here so who the fuck was this intruder?!

Louis made his way past the kitchen, entering his working space and well nobody could have prepared him for the spectacle he was seeing.

The Harry Styles was standing behind the counter. In an apron! And he was making Danielle laugh with her head thrown back while gesturing wildly. He himself wearing an amused smirk on his lips.

„What is going on here? Did I enter a parallel universe?"

While Louis was approaching the duo and mocking them, both of their head shot up like deers in headlights. Wide eyes and all.
And if Louis wasn't so disturbed that yet another part of his life was intruded by Harry he would be laughing his ass off at the sight.

„Ehm... no well you know...", Danielle kind of stuttered. Probably because she knows best how much I hated Harry. „It's just... We..."

„It's my fault.", Harry took a step in Louis' direction saving Danielle like the Prince in shining armour that he is. „I asked Liam for her number so we could talk about switching your shift."

„Switching my shift?". Has he lost his mind?

„You know so you can learn. I don't want to intrude you work space." damn he knew him too well. „It's just that I know how stressed and tired you must be right now. So while you learn I will make your shift for you." Harry was switching from one foot to the other. As if he was nervous of my reaction. „You get the money obviously." he added kind of rushed and out of breath.

And well, Louis didn't like to admit it but Harry was actually considering and caring. Nevertheless Louis was wondering.

„Do you even know how to work as a waiter? I mean now offence but you know."

„Danielle here is teaching me." he pointed his index finger at Danielle smirking at her bashfulness.

And no. Louis was not a jealous person. No way. But he couldn't ignore the sour taste on his tongue thinking about how much fun they had prior. Without Louis. And he couldn't ignore the fact that Harry wasn't called womanizer without a reason. Cause this had to have a root right?!

„That's very nice. Thank you." Louis swallowed the sour taste and smiled timidly. „Sooo I'll just go then. Have fun you two." Better not.

And Louis could see that both Danielle and Harry knew something was wrong but to Louis' luck they let it slide.


Day 4 had the theme 'blue'.

Louis didn't want to elaborate this theme.
Let's just say that Harry wrote a whole letter about his eyes.

A bit dramatic but whatever.

Louis also discovered that Harry must like Oscar Wilde himself because there was a quote of him at the end of every single letter.
Louis didn't know how he was supposed to feel about the fact that he had a lot more in common with Harry than he first thought.

The week was slowly nearing it's end and with every hour passing Louis' heart went a beat faster. He didn't know what he was supposed to expect from Harry. Was he supposed to expect anything at all? Was he himself supposed to take action?

His mind was going places he didn't need it to go.

As always.

And every time Louis wished he could get Harry out of his system he realised that Harry know was a fix point in his life. How would his life even look like if Harry would disappear out of nowhere?

Pretty alone and kind quite probably.

But hopefully he wouldn't have to find out himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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