Chapter 6

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So this was new.

When Louis arrived at the studio on Wednesday everyone was rushing around like little hamsters. He heard fainted screeches in the air and heels on the floor. He felt like in one of those documentaries about sharks. Just that he was one of the tiny fishes. Ready to be eaten.
So everyone being way to dramatic and hectic didn't really calmed his nerves.

"Oh god, you're here!" Someone pulled him on his scratchy sweater and led them though multiple corridors till they stopped in front of a big ass red door with a nameplate on it. Louis was about to read the name as the person turned him at his shoulders.

Way too intimidating. No thanks.

As he wanted to tell the person to remove their damn hands from his shoulder, he got interrupted mid-sentence.
"I didn't know he would come here today, so I had no chance of warning you." Nick? Wait what? "He wants to talk to you about the tape you did last week. So smile and stop looking so grumpy and mad." He wasn't looking grumpy. Was he?

"Who what?"
"Who wants to talk to me?" Was he talking to a wall?
"Des Styles! Where did you leave your head?"

He must be joking. Des Styles is THE music producer of the century. He worked with every famous name who does music and apparently he's waiting for Louis. For LOUIS! That's crazy!
He could get a career in the music industry if he's acting good right now. Damn. That's too much pressure for Louis' little heart.

"I can't do this. I'm way too nervous, Nick! This is Des Styles!" Louis whisper yelled.
"You're the most talented guy I know, Louis. He would make a big loose if he isn't planning on working with you." Nick encourage him by putting his hand on his shoulder.

Louis took a deep breath. Not deep enough tho.
He took the cold metal of the doorknob in his hand and pushed it down.


As he entered the room, the first thing Louis realised was the wall full of records. Gold. Platinum. Silver.
Impressive but more impressive was the giant wooden table in the middle of the room. It gave the room a little narcissistic aura. But nothing could distract from the man sitting behind the table.

Desmond Styles.

He got much older since the first time Louis saw him on TV when he was 6. The shiny eyes stayed the same.

"You must be Louis Tomlinson." Des stood up from his chair and approached Louis with an outstretched hand. Louis took his hand but as soon as he realised that his own hand was shaking like Lottie's smoothie maker, he regretted his decision. He slowly pulled his hand back, trying to seem as normal as possible.

"It's an honour." Did his voice shake? Hopefully not.
"I can give that back! I heard that you're the next big name in the industry." Des made his way back to his desk picking up a few papers on his way.
"Tha... that's a little bit exaggerated." Louis tried to play his perplexity down. He must be dreaming in some kind. Maybe the twins threw him down the stairs and now his in a coma. Or something like that.

"Not exaggerated at all. I listened to what you did and I can confirm that you are extremely talented." Des was already situated back at his table and followed Louis' every movement with his eyes.
"I thought about an exercise... well exercise isn't the right description. More like a chance."
He gestured Louis to sit on the chair opposite of him.
"I want you to work on some music. A few singles." Well THAT was interesting.
"If I approve them we maybe will release them.
Sounds good?" Desmond gave him a strangely familiar challenging look.

Louis took of his confidence together and looked back.
"Sound very good."

"Good." The producer stood up and walked up to the left wall. "The last and only condition may be a bit odd but I want this to be a chance for both of you." Both of us? Louis was confused.
"I bet that Harry and you will have a lot of fun working on this project."

Harry... as in...
Please not.

And as Louis wanted to protest his eyes caught a figure in the shadows of the room. Sitting on the black leather couch. His posture was relaxed and kind of lazy. Fucking annoying.

Harry Styles.

There's no way that Louis would work with this lazy arrogant frog. No-way!

"I don't think that that's a..." Louis started.
"You will be perfect together. I hope you both will work out together. I trust you both with this."
And yeah... what should little Louis answer to this. 'Oh no I'm sorry but I don't like your son so I'll just let the chance of my life slip out of my hands.' Yeah .... No.

"Would be an honour." Louis smiled. Half lying, half telling the true. This will be like hell.
He's only doing it for his career... only for his career... only for his career.


The worst thing about this tragedy was the feeling of Harry's eyes resting on him. Dark green orbs are burning a hole into Louis head. And Louis determines one thing right away.

One of them won't survive this.


Louis got an mail from Nick as he was on his way to work the next day.

'Tomorrow 6pm at the Styles mansion.
Des wants to settle some things and get to
know you a little bit better.'

Louis didn't know why it was so important to get to know him, but he didn't really have a choice. His mind was filled with possibilities of what could go wrong.
He could destroy something in their money hole. Or he could say something inappropriate which will cause Desmond to fire him. And, and, and.

So who would blame him for being extra nervous as he got ready on Friday. He tugged at his shirt for the eight time now and still didn't think that what he sees in the mirror is got enough. He's literally going to one of the richest man in America and has to do a good impression of himself.

No snappy comments about their wealth. No eye rolls every time he sees something golden and no insults for Harry, as much as Louis wanted to tell him some pretty nice things.
Notice the sarcasm.

Louis grabbed his keys from the kitchen table and made sure that the girls have food ready in the fridge. Lasagne that should be fine. Afterwards he walked out the door, already feeling his nervous heart beating in his chest.
Nervous is not nearly enough to describe this feeling.
His life on a silken thread which can get cut easily by an eccentric man with too much money for a single person.


Fucking great.

Comment and vote!


I'm also thinking about adding another couple but I'm not sure which.





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