Chapter 19

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In front of his door.

On a fucking Friday. The nerve-.

"Hey.", Harry's slow and raspy deep voice sounded, "I know I'm quite unexpected and all but was near by and thought I could talk to you about a song."

Liar. Louis thought, but before he could state his suspicion his sisters took the matter into their own hands.

"Harry! We're going to watch Cinderella!"
"Louis made blue popcorn!"
"Look at our matching pyjamas!"
"Do you want to watch the movie with us?"

The last statement makes Louis' eyes widen in pure horror. A family Disney night with Harry? No fucking way. This was private. No outsiders allowed.

"Girls, I don't think that Harry has a desire to watch children movies with a bunch of blabbering girls." He really hoped he could get his poor ass out of this misery. He had no intention in making his first interactions after their quite unexpected kiss around his sisters. He didn't even know how he was supposed to act at all around the curly haired boy. Were they back to normal? As if nothing ever happened? Did Louis want to go back to normal? But more important: did Louis want to go the path in which they didn't go back to 'working buddies'? He wasn't able to answer one of these questions so who was he to make his emotional state significantly worse?

"But the last time Harry visited we weren't even really able to get to know him." Phoebe pouted.
"Everybody loves Disney. Why wouldn't Harry want to watch Cinderella?" Daisy joined in.


"They have a point." Charlotte. An even bigger traitor.

„I don't want to intrude."

God! Thank you! At least one person who didn't stab Louis in the back.

„You absolutely do not, Harry. I assure you that we would all be very happy to have you join us. And you could still talk with Louis about your little music thingy." Lottie gestured widely with her hands. Louis couldn't stay silent for much longer.

"First of all, we never let anyone join us on Fridays and second of all, this is not a 'little music thingy'. Harry and I are creating something from great importance for the history of music so silence yourself little fishy."
Louis made a zip gesture at his mouth and dramatically put his right hand on his hipbone.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."

"Heyyy... Louis is right. We're creating a piece of history." At first Harry's eyes flashed in a fake glimpse of hurt but till the end he proudly put his chin up in the air. His green eyes were shining and his curls bounced softly on his shoulders. He looked like a Disney princess. But even more admirable...

And well- right now Louis was immensely happy that no one of the surrounding people could read his mind or he would blush crimson red in an embarrassed manner.

"So he stays?" Daisy changed the topic but didn't even wait for an answer before she took an perplex Harry at his hand and dragged him into the direction of the open living room.
He did a bad job by raising these little twin monsters.

"He's hot." Lottie interrupted his self critical thought. At least Lottie wasn't his fault. She managed to be insufferable all by herself.

"If you ever say this again out loud in my presence I will personally take care that you stay single until you're twenty-one." Louis grinned.

"Are you sensitive that you're not as good looking as him or... are you jealous?" The grinned got wiped out of Louis' face. What if it was both?

"None. It's just disgusting. You're my sister and I don't want to know who you find attractive. Thank you but no thank you." With every passing second Louis' paranoia increased that the twins were going to spill some embarrassing stories or even worst show them. Louis really should put the photo book away somewhere safe and not openly laying around on the dresser.

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