Chapter 7

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Louis knew he was at the right address as he reached a golden gateway. Who needs a golden gateway.

He couldn't even see the house behind the fence so he assumed that the Styles' own a area that is bigger than the whole district he's living in.

Rich things, he supposed.

At the gate he pressed the button of a small intercom. „Hello", a suppressed old voice answered.
„Ehm, hey. I'm Louis Tomlinson. I'm here for..."
The blue eyed boy got interrupted by the sound of an opening gate. He waited for it to be fully open and then started his car again.

While driving down the path to the mansion he already thought about how everything would go. Overthinking as always.
If Styles is as annoying as always Louis will be responsible for ruining the dinner.


Louis heard many stories about the mansion.
It's build on and old cemetery and an old ghost is haunting in the upper floors. Bullshit.
Desmond Styles bought the house from Elvis Presley. Also bullshit.
Harry Styles once set the whole house on fire and Desmond had to import a finished house to replace the old, before everyone found out what happened. The biggest load of bullshit Louis ever heard.
Every single piece in this mansion is made out of gold. The walls, the floor, furniture,...
Louis wasn't sure if this was completely bullshit.

But he would find out.

As he was about to press the golden door-bell, the giant white door with golden ornaments opened.
"Sir." An old man in a black suit bowed his almost bald head. He reminded Louis of Alfred from Batman.
"Hello, sir." Louis tried to sound as polite as possible but he wasn't sure when was the right timing to enter the mansion.
"Call me Bertram." Louis had so suppress a laugh.
"Nice to meet you." He had a bright smile on his face and shook the man's hand. Until now he really liked it here.
So when Bertram made a wide move to gesture Louis to enter the mansion he passed the door with slightly shaking legs.

It's getting serious.


To put the beauty of the castle into words was impossible for Louis' small vocabulary.
Everything was bright and extravagant.
Elegant and neat.
Exquisite and stunning.

And no. It's wasn't completely golden.
It reminded of a modern castle. The walls were white and had many ornaments on it. A golden frame going all around the room. But the furniture was modern and the art was vibrant.
Right in front of him were two steps, leading to the second floor and meeting in the middle of the upper hallway. Attached to it a golden railing with little golden lilies.

Everything was so gorgeous and Louis knew that it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. Living here must be a dream.

"Louis! It's so nice to see you." A wide grinning Des walked up to him and shook his hand way too energetic.
"It's an honour to be here. It's very beautiful."
Louis could only keep his eyes on the man for a second before they wandered around the room again.

"Let's eat something and discuss the project."
Louis followed him into the dining room. It was kept quite like the hallway just that the massive dining table drew all the attention on itself.
It was lovely decorated with white flower bouquets in the middle. Golden plates and cutlery were situated at the first three chairs. An elaborate figure made out of napkins on each of the the golden circles. Big of an effort just for a simple dinner.
Not that Louis wasn't happy and honoured, it just was... a lot.
He felt quite overwhelmed.

"Take place." Des pointed at the chair on his left while sitting on the chair on the top of the table. Obviously.
"Harry will be here in a minute. He ... he's busy."
"Okey..." awkward. Hopefully he wouldn't show up at all. He really didn't want Harry to ruin the night. Everything was so beautiful and chill and if...
"I'm sorry for being late." A deep but smooth voice rushed past Louis and sat on the chair opposite of Louis. The curly boy looked quite ... out of breath. Was he running down here?
Louis didn't like him. If he was running, how could he still look so perfect and flawless? His brown curls. The way he moved, the shine in his eyes. Louis swore under his breath. Fucking rich things. Fucking annoying.

Louis rolled his eyes. Harry looked at him and smirked as he saw the movement. Louis changed his face back to normal and clenched his hands to fists.
"I'm so happy to finally have you both talking to each other." Des looked at Harry and spared him a knowing glare. Whatever that's supposed to mean.
"Roberta!" Des clapped and immediately an old lady with a tablet appeared in the doorway. She seems sympathetic just as everything in this house.

"I hope you like mozzarella."
"I adore mozzarella." Louis replied and watched the plates on their way to him.
Mozzarella is a peace of heaven.

He nearly inhaled his plate of tomatoes and mozzarella. As he looked up from the golden shine he met Desmond's and Harry's glaze.
"Sorry." He wipes his mouth with the napkin.
"I told you I like mozzarella." He said and shrugged with his shoulders.

Thereupon the men started to laugh. Louis should really feel embarrassed but this felt kind of nice. Des wiped a tear away and the whole atmosphere loosened up.

"Okey boys, back to business." The producer said as soon as he calmed down.
"You will both start working in the studio on Monday. Every Friday I want to see your progress. If I hear something bad about you guys from my workers the project will stop. Okey?" We nodded. "If you need it you can also work in our private studio here. If you need help, call me or Nick. Everything understood?" We nodded again.

This sounded like a lot of pressure honestly. But who was Louis to complain about it?
As long as Harry won't start one of his orgies in front of him or start talking to him, Louis will be fine. That's not too much to ask.


As they finished dinner the trio made their way to the living room.
It felt like Louis was beamed into a Hollywood movie. A beautiful big couch with red pillows and multiple plants behind it. The night sky shone through the high windows and created a shadow on the mosaic floor.

"Wow." Louis whispered to no one.
"It's beautiful at day too." A low voice spoke behind Louis' back. The frog.

"Sure" Louis responded in a cold voice and turned around to approach Des.
"It's getting late and I really need to go back to my sisters before they set the house in fire. Or sell my things."
"Of course! I'll see you next week right?"
"Definitely! I'm excited and very grateful for this experience! Thank you!"
After they said their goodbyes Louis made his way out of the room and followed the same way back as he came in.

Leaving the dream house behind just to return into his loving but rocked up house on the other side of town.

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