Chapter 4

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The problem about Louis is that he forgets things quite easily. That's why he has a board for all the important family problems he has to solve.
So it's not a big surprise that Louis had no idea what happened when Zayn suddenly stood in front of his door.

"Ready?" Zayn seemed... excited. Weird.
"Ready for what?" Louis has probably never looked more stupid than now.
"The party! Don't tell me you forgot. Liam is waiting. Remember?"
Damn. Liam.
"No! No! I didn't it's just that... who should babysit the girls?" Wow Louis. Wow. Nothing better?

"My mom loves them! She can babysit them." Zayn suggested. Well suggested isn't the right word cause Zayn was already dialling his mom's number.
"Mom hey! Yeah... yeah... I knowww but... could you please listen to me? Louis' sisters miss you so I thought you could babysit them?"
Zayn is good.
"Amazing! Thank you! Love you!"
He misses his own mum.

"She'll be here in about 10 minutes. Let's go!"
Zayn dragged him to his car. Louis pulled his arm out of his grip and stopped abruptly.
"I'm not even dressed! I can't go like this." He pointed at his clothes and gave Zayn a maniac glaze.
"You look FINE Louis. You always do. And even if, I thought the party isn't important for you."

Louis wanted to tell his mate everything about his glorious day today. About him making a big progress.

But he couldn't.

He's not that kind of person. He doesn't like talking about feelings more than one time in a year and he definitely wouldn't start talking about his life and his day out nowhere.

"I just don't want to look like a jerk."
Zayn gave him a fond look and two steps in his direction.
"You could never in a million goddamn years look like a jerk. You look good, okay? No need to be insecure." Zayn's a good friend.
Louis nodded in a way, that should encourage him enough for the rest of this terrible night.


It's so...

... rich.

He can't stop looking at the ceiling.
Why is it so fucking high? What the fuck.
And then the giant chandelier. Louis could swear to himself that this monster is made out of pure gold.

Finally looking down his eyes fell on a mountain of champagne bottle neatly sorted one by one. No glasses in sight.
Where's is the beer?! And why is everything so bright? His eyes hurt and Louis felt slightly underdressed.
Rich people are so weird.

He hears a loud bass sound coming from his left and made his way through an archway with a gold rim. An archway? He was like in a trance, turned back and took a second look on the ludicrous golden rim.
Why would you need this? What for?
Louis is so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't see the person walking in front of him.
They shoulders collide and Louis turns his head in a swift movement.

He looks like a deer in the spotlight. His big blue eyes wide opened.
"Liam! Oh god! I'm... I... it's good to see you!"
The smaller boy takes the tall browned haired boy in a tight embrace. "How are you doing? How is the posh school? Have you already thrown up because of this rich kids? Oh I swear I..." Louis nearly tripped over his own words.
"Take it slow Tommo! And I'm good, it's posh and no I haven't. It's actually pretty nice. The music lessons are my favourites! You must see all the instruments they have! Crazy!"
Louis hasn't seen Liam that excited since they went to the amusement park a few years ago.
He's happy that Liam is happy.

He really is.

No jealousy.


"I'm so proud of you mate!"
Louis needs a drink. "I need a drink. Where's the beer?" Liam smiled at him and took him by the arm. "I think it's in the garden."
Sure. Logical.


A few hours past and Louis wasn't drunk at all.
Not at all. He might stumble over his feet sometimes but that's the shoes fault.

Currently he was dancing with Zayn who passed a cigarette between the two of them. Liam didn't smoke. Church boy. The so called genius was getting a few drinks but was already missing for nearly ten minutes now. Maybe he's snogging with some rich girl.
Not drunk Louis feels like a proud dad at this thought.
"ZAYN!" Louis screamed over the loud music.
Zayn gave him a thumbs up and continued to dance his weird shimmy.

There were to many people. To many sounds and to many lights. Everyone around him was sweaty. His sight got a bit blurry and he had no clue how he should find the toilets. This house is the fucking Buckingham palace.

A beautiful girl with blonde hair was leaning against a wall beside him and looked at him as he walked his way up the next stairs.
"Hey! Wait! Are you looking for something?"
She placed her hand on his arm, standing on the step under him.
"The bathroom." He was confused. To put it harmlessly.
"I could show you!" She took his hand and dragged him through a dark corridor.
This is a bad idea.

"You should meet my brother! Your totally his type!" What the fuck is she talking about?! Maybe she's high. "Your blue eyes are beautiful! Like the ocean!"
They arrived at a random door and Louis immediately took the doorknob in his hand and  runs in the room. His back pressed against the wooden door. He needs a break.

Louis closed his eyes and leaned his head back. His moment of silence was disturbed by his bladder. He had to pee. Right.

After 2 minutes he took a big breath and stepped out of the room. Face to face with the weird but beautiful smiling girl.
She holds out her hand to him. "My name is Gemma! And you are?" Louis shook her hand.
"I'm Louis."
Gemma gave him a bright smile and dragged him back to the party.


Since then Louis hasn't seen her again but at least he found Liam, holding a red cup for him.
"Thanks mate." He drinks the beer in one gulp. Followed by a terrified look from Liam.

Louis felt the music in his veins, he felt the beat in his feet and his whole body moved from alone. He missed this feeling.


Just him. A young man, dancing on a not so typical party. Drinking beer. Having fun. Live.

He got lost in the music and felt every drop of alcohol like little raindrops on his skin. Wow. Wait wow. He felt a warm breath against his neck. He felt the warmth of a body right behind him and he LOVED it. He didn't know who the person was but he didn't mind either.
He took a little step back and exposed his neck a little further. Giving the strangers warmth more space to reach his body. He got goosebumps all over his arms and he wished he didn't drink that much so he could feel everything a little more intense.

He was literally set on fire when the person set his hands on his hips and brought his lips the his left ear. Damn.
"You're gorgeous, love." He said in a low and deep voice. Hot.
Thinking about what the person had just said Louis started laughing.
"You don't even know how I look so how do you know I'm gorgeous? Not that you're wrong tho." Louis grinned like and idiot.
"I observed you. The entire night." This low voice is driving Louis crazy.
He moaned when he felt a pair of lips on his neck. They were sooo soft. Louis could write a book about how soft those lips are. Incredibly soft. Like a cloud of marshmallow or a...

"LOUIS!" Louis opened his eyes, blinked a few times and saw a furious Zayn approaching him. "Come!"
"Wait no! We're talking! Zayn, this is stranger! Stranger this is Zayn, my best mate!" Not drunk at all.
"Trust me Louis. Let's go!" Zayn grabbed his hand and pulled him after him. Louis tried to look back to see who the stranger was but more and more people took his view.
He hates people.

"Zaynnn." Louis whined.
"You need to sleep. No more words."

Louis pouted but kept his mouth closed.

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