Chapter 10

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School the next Monday brought him out of concept. He had to think about his studio session after school. Louis thought about his giant headphones, the feeling of the leather chair under his bum and the cornea on his fingertips every time he touched the guitar strings. The problem was: it was after school. He had to survive eight hours of tiring classes with much more tiring teachers. The way he heard the clock ticking in his brain was getting on his nerves.

But what got him out of concept was Zayn, who wasn't as excited as Louis, when he finally told him that he's working on his own album. With Harry Styles.
They were sitting on a table in the cafeteria and if this was a shopping centre and not a school, Zayn would have gotten kicked out for screaming like a lunatic.

„This is so fucking stupid! What got into you?! Are you on crack?! Oh please don't tell me you do pills! Louis! That's Harry Styles! We HATE those blokes! If he drags you into some weird fetishised stuff I won't save you! Mental! That's bloody mental!" Zayn scream repeated these words for the last 10 minutes and slowly Louis' ears started to throb. Like when you're in the disco and you're are just about to faint.

„I know Zayn, believe me, I know. I hate him more than anyone else but this is for me future's sake not this idiot." Louis' voice his tired and sounds muted to himself. „He has everything and I have nothing! I need this album."
Zayn must have realised how pathetic he sounded when he screamed threw the whole cafeteria and tardy sat down.
„I love you, Louis. I would do anything for you and I don't want you to get hurt by him. At the end he will pull a thing and claim everything for himself! You deserve something better than him."

It may sound weird but Louis wasn't sure if they still talked about the project. If sounded like Zayn is protecting him from a potential boyfriend and Styles is far away from anything like that.
In general the whole „I love you" speech was a bit off cause they're definitely not the friendship for such sappy quotes.

„You okey, mate?" Louis raised his left eyebrow and eyed Zayn, waiting for a response.
Zayn blinked a few times before he finally answered. „Yeah, Yeah I'm fine. I'm just worried that's all." It was not ‚all' but Louis didn't want to but him under some pressure.


After school Louis had his daily pick up tour followed by making sure everyone is doing their homework.

Back in his car about 2 hours later he instantly started his record player with old CDs from his mum in it. It's practically from the Stone Age but Louis and his mother had their best moments together in their old car listening to these CDs. Right now he heard an used sounding version of 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.
While Freddie sang TO his mother Louis thought ABOUT his mother. She loved Freddie and the way how he dressed, the way he performed and the way he didn't change for anybody. She always said:" You don't need fists to fight against somebody. If you have enough pride and confident you have enough in your hands to make them regret."
Naive if you asked Louis but his mother always was an hopeless optimistic.

As he arrived at the studio he had a different feeling in his stomach than usual. But nothing changed since the last time they met, right? Harry was still a rich and arrogant dipshit just that he help Louis in a very vulnerable moment. But nevertheless he had a subtle flutter in his lower stomach.
Louis walked down the aisle getting closer to his studio with every single step. The flutter grew while his steps slowed down.

He reached the door and entered the room, his eyes closed, hoping Harry wasn't in there so he had some time to prepare some music to impress him just as much as Harry impressed him the last time.
Unfortunately... Harry was in fact sitting in his chair lazily leaned back and drumming a steady rhythm on the armrest. A curly hair stand hung above his eyes and Louis' finger were tingling with desire to put it back behind his ear.

Nothing changed.

Realising that he was leaning against the door  and looking at Harry for meanwhile three minutes, he coughed awkwardly. You're so weird Louis.
„What are you doing, Styles?" his tune still disinterested cause in fact Harry was still an annoying frog. Nothing changed.

„What are you doing?" Harry dragged the ‚you'
„I'm not the one awkwardly standing around for minutes starting at me." teasing little....
„I'm not! I... I just... looked at the poster behind you!" wow Louis! You've got nothing better?!
„And that's the best excuse you've got? I expected something better Mr. Tomlinson."

Louis threw his head back laughing. He felt so light in that exact second right there. Just laughing. But as fast as the lightness came it went away in the same amount of time. This was still Harry Styles. He hated Harry Styles. But how easy would it be if he wouldn't hate him? Would have the urge to blame Harry for everything he did because 10 years ago he...

„Are you okey? We don't have the whole day for your daydreaming. I got some music." Harry's deep voice tore him out of his thoughts.
„Sure." cold. „Hope it's good this time." he mumbled under his breath, loud enough for Harry to hear it.


Louis sat on the chair besides Harry's and turned in his direction. If he wouldn't know he better he would think Harry was hurt. But a second later Harry controlled his face again and it seemed like nothing happened. He took his guitar and turned in his chair. Away from Louis.

Okey well he deserved that.
„I... Can I play it tomorrow?" Harry said. His shoulders bent down. His body completely sunken into the chair. „You could play?"
His voice was quiet. What was his fucking problem.

„Come on Styles don't be such a drama queen and turn back around. Oh and give me the guitar. You are just about the get blessed by my endless talent." harry snorted as a response but did what Louis required him to do.
Louis felt the metal of the guitar cold under his fingers. He drummed a few chords till he was back in his element.
The melody of the song was tattooed into his brain, mesmerised by his fingers, adored my his ears. He didn't need to know where his fingers were or which chord was coming next. Everything happened from alone. No need for his brain to be a part of it. After what felt like five minutes he heard his mouth singing the last line of the song. The world just stopped for a second. No one moved. No one dared to breath. But eventually the moment passed and they started breathing again.

„Hmm." Louis' eyes drifted back up to the green eyed boy across from him. Eyes meeting.
„Hm? Is this everything?" his eyebrows were raised to the hairline. Shocked.
„You said my song was bad so you're welcome."
„Touché." they both kept looking into each other's eyes till Louis broke the silence. „Your song wasn't bad. It was ... okey. I guess."
„Yours too. Okey." Harry turned around but Louis could see the smile creeping on his smile the second he turned his face away. On both of their faces.

Afterwards a pleasant rest fell over them.
Both of them working on their music separately. Every now and then he shot a glance in Harry's direction and waited for the green orbs to look back. They only did two times but still. It felt okey. It felt peaceful.
It felt delightful. In a way he could never describe to Zayn without getting laughed at.

Something has changed.

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