Chapter 20

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Maybe he was gay.

Not that he's admitting anything. But! Louis was in fact not stupid and even if he never had a real crush in his entire existence he knew what his heart wanted to tell him when it nearly bursted out of his chest the following Tuesday. The moment he say Harry again for the first time since Friday. Since Harry invaded his life. Without permission!

Now Louis had to deal with his sister's constant wines. Like, „When is Harry coming again?", or, „Can you bring Harry to my next dance performance?".

It's all Harry's fault. Him and his stupidly charming dimples.

The whole weekend Louis couldn't think of anything else but the way Harry's skin felt against his. Burning him with the heat. Or the way Harry's eyes sparkle when he looks at him. And even if Louis hated to admit it he was starting to like Harry so he didn't really know how he deserved Harry's kindness.

He was so caring and sweet to Louis while he himself was a straight up asshole from the beginning. So now Louis came to the same question he did every time his mind wandered to the curly haired boy.

What did Harry see in him?

What was so special about Louis that Harry wanted to waste his time on him? Care for him?

But even if he didn't understand, what if he never wants Harry to stop looking at him with those deep green eyes?


„You're late."

Oh what a heartwarming welcome!

„I know." Louis rolled his eyes. „Football practice took longer than expected."
And it wasn't even Louis' fault! One of his girls thought it would be a great idea to kick the ball as high in the air as possible and when Hayley, another girl, looked up the ball landed right in her face. Ouch! A bloody nose, tones of tissue papers and furious parents later, Louis was finally free.

„Long story, but here I am so no worries, froggy." Louis teased and sat down on his regular stool. But not before patting Harry's curly head who was pouting at him with his big green eyes. As if he didn't know what alone his presence did to Louis' running heart.

„I wasn't worried." Harry blushed but quickly turned around.

HA! Louis saw that!

„Sure. Keep thinking that if it helps you to sleep at night." Louis had the inner urge to wink at Harry and see him blush again but unfortunately he still wasn't looking at him and kept his back turned to Louis. Unfair.

„How's the song going?"

„Which song?" Harry turned to him with a confused expression.

„The one you played for me a few weeks ago."
Louis responded as if it was the most obvious thing on the planned.

„The one you didn't like?" Something flashed in the boys eyes. Oh right. Mean Louis at his peak.

„I liked it! I was just messing with you!".
You are unbearable, Louis Tomlinson.

Harry sat across from him. Dazed. His earphones hanging around his neck. His hair curling around them and making him look like pure art. His green eyes, flushed cheeks and sharp jawline made him look like something Louis would stop for in a museum. Just to stand in front of the painting and wonder if this person was real or someone who appeared the artist in their dreams and had to be seen from the rest of the world.

The only exception was that Harry was real. He was right in front of him. In his reach. If Louis wanted he could lift his hand and brush his fingertips against Harry's skin. Follow his jawline all the way down to his lips, his chin even his neck. Because Harry was real.

But then again, what if Harry changed his mind? What if Harry would turn his head away and shy away from Louis' touch?

Just because Louis thought Harry was art didn't mean Harry would feel the same.
And just because they kissed in the past didn't mean he could just touch him again. Harry could change his mind and Louis would never know.

Maybe if he had pressed his hand against Harry's chest he would have felt that Harry's heart was beating at the same pace as his.

Maybe if he had had a mirror he would have seen that their pupils were expanded the same amount.

But he didn't.

„I changed some chords."

Harry's voice ripped him out of his daydreaming.

„Could I hear it?".
I want to hear your voice.

„Ehm, sure wait I just...", Harry turned his back around and grabbed his guitar that was leading at the couch behind him, „need my guitar."

So just as he did a few weeks ago, Harry started to strum the now familiar chords.
As he said a few of them changed but Louis actually liked what he did with the song. Even if Louis would have rather killed himself two months ago than admit that Harry was talented he could really run away from the truth. Harry was a fucking genius. It had to be said.

But he's still not going to admit it out loud or his pride would get a big ass scratch.

Harry sang about hoping the other person would come around so they could work it out and how he would ‚gotta get better'.

Louis didn't know Harry well enough to know what the song could be about but he could tell that the person means a lot to Harry. Maybe an ex? Hopefully not.

In contrast to the last time Louis actually smiled at Harry when he finished the song and felt himself blush when their eyes met the first time.

„Definitely album material." Louis said and tried to advert his blue eyes from the green ones. „We should record it as soon as possible and keep it acoustic. What do you think?" Louis wrote down some notes to not forget his plans on the date and version he wanted. But as the seconds passed and he still didn't get a response, he lifted his left eyebrow and glanced at Harry.

And well, Harry was still looking at him, his mouth a gape.

„How about a second date?"

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