Chapter 9

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People made him nervous.

Not the 'I have to hold a presentation' nervous but the 'everyone is staring at me and running me over' nervous. If Louis stood in the middle of a big crowd he felt like he's drowning in their noises and touches. Everything around him got smaller and smaller till he couldn't breath anymore and he had the urge to scream until his vocal cords ripped.

A good way of preventing such things to happen was to avoid big crowds. Or a lots of alcohol.

Such Crowds like the one right in front of Louis.

Every year the city organised a festival for both parts of the town. The high society mixed with the normal and poor people. A slaughter for everyone who loves drama.
Every year there was at least one group fight, multiple ambulances for the ones who got hurt and a dramatic rich kid who throws money around himself to watch the poor people catch it before it falls to the ground. Aka one of the Richie Rich. Usually Harry fucking Styles.

Louis wouldn't be here if his sister hadn't dragged him out of the house jumping with excitement for the big fair.
He loved his sisters but his mind just traveled of to how he could escape from this catastrophe.

1. He could run away. (Wouldn't be nice and his sisters would be lost but effective)
2. He could get in a fight and be transported away by the ambulances. (Best idea so far)
3. He could die right here on the spot (he could traumatise his sisters tho)

Not that much of a possibility to escape.

Louis let his eyes travel across the crowd looking for either Danielle or Zayn. He couldn't do this without mental support and a helping pair of eyes looking for his four rebels.

"Louis! LOUIS!" He snapped out of his thoughts and immediately locked eyes with Lottie. "Are you alright?" He nodded. "The twins want to eat waffles." She made a big pause and observed Louis pale face. "If you want I can go with them and we meet again in about an hour at the Ferris wheel?"
Louis took a relieved breath and just nodded again.
"Daisy! Phoebe! Let's go!" And off she was.

"I'll meet with some friends at the big tree!"
Fizzy screamed while running in the opposite direction.

He was alone. This made everything so much worse.

Someone bumped into him and Louis heart made a jump out of his chest.
"Calm down Louis... everything is going to be alright." He mumbled into his not exciting beard.

"What?" Louis shrieked and turned to the voice. His heart bead beating at an abnormal rate. "Wow calm down shorty."

The frog.
How nice.
That was the last thing he needed today.

"You scared me! And don't call me shorty, frog." The annoyance in his voice was just as noticeable as it had to be for a Harry Styles.

"Did you just call me frog?" Styles made a dramatic gesture and put his right hand on his chest as if he got hurt by something. He smirked down at Louis.

"That's the most accurate name a person has every described you." Idiot.
"I heard gorgeous more often." Rich.
"Or hot." Fucking.
"Oh or my personal favourite marvellous." Idiot.

"I would describe you as: annoying, idiotic, bold and fake." These words wiped away the grin on Harry's face and Louis mentality pat himself on the back.
"Did I do something wrong or are you an asshole to everyone?"
"What? You-"
"I mean we work together and I didn't expect us to be friends right away but -"
"Wait what no I'm not the one being unfair here. You're arrogant and you treat people like me like shit, why should I like you or want to be friends with you?! Tell me you see more in me than a poor boy who probably has as much money on his bank account as you have on your body."
Harry looked at him with his mouth opened and his eyes shocked.
"Knew it."

Louis turned around and started to walk away.

His mind was racing and he didn't even realise that he was walking right into the crowd until it was too late.
The moment he felt the first arms bumping into his side he stopped. He just stopped. His heart stopped to beat for a second. His breath stopped at all and his mind went blank.

He stopped working.

Everything started to turn, he felt every single touch and movement around him and it drove him insane. The world around him shrunk. The air disappeared into the night.
His whole body was trembling. And he tried to concentrate on his eyes to find a way out of the crowd. But his legs didn't move. They were there but they didn't do what they were supposed to do. He hadn't got his body under control. He hated it. He hated the powerlessness.

Suddenly a hand grabbed his arm and Louis was mentally ready to die right on the spot.
The hand softly grabbed his hand and slowly dragged him out of the crowd making sure to keep Louis away from as many people as possible. Louis closed his eyes and let himself be guided out of the crowd.

"Breath." He couldn't breath. The air wasn't able to reach his lungs. His saviour turned him around and grabbed him by his shoulders.
"Look me in the eyes and do like me. In and out. Okey?" Okey. The person in front of him breathed in and so did Louis. The person breathed out and so did Louis.
They kept standing like that and imitating each other's breaths for about five minutes till Louis mind was back to normal again.

"Thank you, frog."
Harry laughed. A beautiful melodic laugh.
"I just saved you from having a panic attack and you still call me frog! That's not fair."
Louis smiled a little bit and looked into the green orbs. "I said thank you."
"Yeah yeah it's okey, you're welcome!"
Harry's grin slowly turned into a concerned expression and Louis wished he didn't look like a kicked puppy.
"Are you alright?" Louis could see that Harry wanted to say more but he couldn't.
"It's alright I just hate crowds I guess." He scratched his head, trying to play the whole incident cool.
"Heavily downplayed, shorty." Harry grinned again.

No one said a word and they just admired each other for a second, without them knowing, till Harry's phone started to ring.
He picked it up unwillingly and grumbled into the speaker.
"No I don't have time... what do you want Niall? I have better things to do than... what?!... he did what?... wait slow down Niall... yeah... no no no... cause it's not my business... you know I hate this shit... it's the same every year... maybe if you wouldn't yell back every time... no I can't... yes I am. I had to help him-... okey... fine I'll be there in two minutes... just calm fucking down!" Harry hung up and looked at his phone for his second before he let his eyes wander up to meet Louis'.
"I have to go."
Louis wanted to ask what was going on but Harry was already gone.

What was that?


Two hours later he sat in his warm car, his sisters laughing and talking about everything they did even if they experienced it all together.

The whole Harry situation felt like a fever dream. As if he imagined everything and was going mental. He knew it happens tho but he didn't know why and how. Since when did Harry Styles have a heart and was a caring human being? And why didn't he want to go to his friends? Did he really want to stay with Louis? Did he really say that he wanted to be Louis' friend?

Maybe Louis fell from the ferris wheel and was in coma right now cause he couldn't explain it otherwise.

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