Chapter 8

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Louis hasn't told anyone anything about the mansion. He rather kept it for himself, like a secret. A brief moment of joy when someone told some lies about it cause he knew better.

Zayn didn't even know he was there at all and his sister got a random story about golden steps and a golden floor. They fed it up and stopped bothering Louis afterward.
Even if the image of a grinning Harry Styles was stuck in his head, Louis was in a good mood.
So he didn't really expect it to just stop as soon as he stepped into the studio the following week. But it did.


The little shinning moon in his chest pricked and flew away like a ballon.
Why did the universe hate him so much? Why did it had to be Harry exactly?
This definitely got on his list of things he would never understand.

-mobile phones
-the universe (black holes)
-Harry Styles
-the human brain

"You frown." A deep voice announced in front of him. He didn't move from the door. So called not even closed for the outside world.

"You frowned. It will result in wrinkles if you don't stop."
"I'm 18. Why should I worry about wrinkles?"
Louis approached the mix table and took a seat on the left chair while harry was placed on the right one. Louis preferred the right one. He hates Styles.
"It's never to early to worry about such things or your grandchildren will think you had an awful life."
"I mean... I... I'll just tell them stories about my fantastic life and basta." Louis felt confident enough to turn around and start working on the levers and knobs.

Harry had these eyes that just captured you the first time you look at them. And Louis wouldn't even dare to look into them. Deep. Scratching at the back of his head.
Louis felt the green orbs resting on him. Following his every movement and Louis slowly got insecure again. An adjective you normally wouldn't describe Louis with but these eyes had this affect on him. Was he doing something wrong? Was it bad? Amateurishly?

He! That's stupid cause did Louis really just thought about Harry being able to judge him? Louis was the one who got his position here because of his talent not his famous dad. Pah! Louis definitely was better than this arrogant...
green... stupid... frog. Right!


"I hear you thinking."
"Oh I'm sorry mister." Louis said sarcastically.
And the moment Louis looked up from his notebook he could swear he saw a glimpse of confusion mixed with sadness on Harry's face.
His jawline was a little bit more defined and his eyebrows were furrowed. His nose scrunched, as if it's tickling him and he needs to rub it once.
Harry rose his eyebrows and his lips started moving.

"...looking at?" He finished his sentence. Louis had no clue what he said, probably analysing the snobs face to long. But at the same time he would give harry the triumph of having fun about his foolishness.

"Nothing." Louis simply said and mentally gave himself a high five.


Could he take the high five back?

Anyway he had no time for small talk.
"We don't have time for small talk. Let's start."

Louis spun around in his chair and started to search for good melodies in his notebook.
Nothing was exactly what he wanted for the project so he thought about just grabbing and pencil and start a new one but he didn't want Harry to know that he's incompetent.

Suddenly he heard a small cough behind his back and turned his head around. Too fast. It made a cracking sound and could move for a moment. His neck started to feel warm and the pain slowly stopped.
"Shit" he cursed.
"Oh damn! I'm so sorry I didn't... should I... can I help you?! I'm so so sorry!" Styles rambled and walked in his direction.
Louis raised his hand and Harry immediately stopped.
"I'm fine. Just don't ... argh it doesn't matter."
Louis could see that Harry still wanted to say something and his eyes were glowing with something Louis had never seen before.

Harry exhaled relieved.
"I want to show you something." He looked like a happy puppy on Christmas. Annoying.
"It's a song! I mean- not quite yet but it's on its best way! And- and- I thought that-."
"Just say it, Harold."
Harry's eyes widened at the new name but Louis didn't noticed any of it. Not the name. Not the eyes.

"I want it in the project! I know it's probably not that good but I like it and I want your opinion."
Why is the arrogant rich boy acting like a school kid that want to show his mother a school play?
"I mean... I would take it in the project no matter what you think about it. I like it. Very much." Harry put his chin up and there he was the arrogant confident idiot.

"Just play it." Louis rolled his eyes, following the boy's movements as he rushed to the other side of the room picking up a guitar.

This was so surreal.

Harry fucking Styles is going to play a song for him on the guitar.

Not for him. For the project.

Harry tucked his brown curls behind his ears and started to slowly adjust with the instrument.
And then, he started to play.

The first cord. The second cord. And it went on and on a beautiful melody just as in the 8 cord a slow, deep and warm voice started to sing along the melody.
It sounded like honey. But not too much.
Like a gust of spring air. But a shallow gust. Smooth.
Like sitting at a fire at night. But not too warm. Just perfect.

Louis didn't really concentrate on the lyrics he just followed the up and downs in the voice and the clapping sound the guitar between some cords.

But it ended to early according to Louis' taste.

"It's okey I guess. We could use it." Louis kept his voice down and prayed for his voice not to sound too excited and stunned.

Styles' seemed disappointed at first but overplayed it with a joyful smile.

Fucking honey, spring air and fire places.

Louis hated it.

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