Chapter 18

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It's Wednesday, 4 days after the party, when Louis realised that he might be utterly fucked.

Not only because he still felt Harry's warm lips on his own when he closed his eyes. Sinking into the feeling. But also because the Richie Rich slowly invaded his life.

First of all Liam was friends with them and Liam was Louis friend so that's clearly an intersection. Second of all after Zayn and Louis showed up at more parties the Richie Rich apparently thought that THEY were friends too. As in Zayn and Louis. Louis and Zayn. Friends with the Richie Rich.

Funny. Isn't it?

And the worst thing was that Zayn was even enjoying it. He enjoyed laughing with Niall and Liam when they randomly met at the restaurant or parties. The only thing he wasn't happy about was Harry Styles. The Poltergeist of Louis' mind.

Understandable, but Louis was always assuming that Zayn hated rich people in general and not just Harry, just as Louis always hated rich people (but Harry a little bit more than the rest). And now Louis life was flipped upside down. Zayn was having fun with Liam's posh friends and Louis was always looking out for brown curls when he spotted one of his minions.

To be honest, Louis missed the old times, when he didn't have to worry about feeling unsure about himself, when he gossiped about rich brats with Liam and Zayn leaning to their lockers which were placed right next to each other.

But life is a constantly rolling ball of ice. Sometimes it gets thrown out of its lane because of stones in the way. Sometimes it even gets scratches and holes because of these stones. And throughout all this long way it grows smaller and smaller. It melts till nothing is left.

Louis ball of ice had some scratched and dents, thrown out of its way but still rolling fast.

And well... at the end of the day, Louis was a drama queen.


„How can you stay so calm?!" Louis whisper yelled. Scanning Zayn's face wide eyed.

„They're nice. Maybe we were wrong to judge them before we even got to know them." Zayn was hanging out with Louis behind the counter of the restaurant and watched the Richie Rich and Liam laughing about something Niall had just said. „Niall is funny."

„He is yes. I get that. I mean I don't love them but they're fine." His eyes fleet to their table and back to Zayn. „What I don't understand is, you still being so mad at Harry. He did nothing to you. I'm the one being allowed to be mad but you're just being unreasonable right now. He's making just as many jokes at Niall when he has a good day and he's always kind to you, so what's your problem?" Louis was honestly wondering. It had nothing to do with his growing relationship to Harry (aka the kiss).

„Because..." Zayn signed loudly and slammed his head on the counter in defeat. „I don't know. He is nice. He is funny. But he hurt you Louis. Not now. No. But a few years ago. And even if you never told me what happened when you were a kid I know it was important for you or you would not still be so mad at him."

„I'm not mad." Louis tried to jump in.

„You are my best friend on this whole damn planet and if I befriend him now and then he's hurting you again, no matter in which way, I would feel like I should have seen it coming and still laughed and drank with him."

Louis was feeling sick in his stomach.

„Zayn, I would never, not in a million years, want you to feel this way. This „thing" between me and Harry has nothing to do with you. I will always love you the same way no matter what. Go befriend him. Go laugh with him. Go get drunk with him. I don't want to be the person holding you back." He put his hand on Zayn's arm and smiled at him. „Zaynie and Lewis forever, right?" Louis put his thumb out in Zayn's direction.

Zayn clutched his own thumb around Louis' and quietly whispered. „Thumbs are stronger than pinkies."


His sisters had all been in a fantastic mood these last few weeks.

Sometimes they would just hang out at friends' houses the whole day or just play games at home keeping themselves company when Louis wasn't there. And to be honest Louis felt bad. His focus wasn't on his sisters like it's supposed to be but on the music and on Harry being his annoying self. He wasn't being a bad brother and he was well aware of that fact, so tonight they were all going to have one of their iconic Disney nights.

Today's theme was Cinderella.

But it took a little bit for Fizzy to convince her siblings. Lottie said she had watched too many Cinderella 2.0 movies with the rich guy falling in love with the poor mistreated girl and Daisy said she just badly wanted to watch Finding Nemo again.

While Louis was preparing some blue popcorn, Lottie prepared the living room and laid the pillows back on the couch after the twins were just about to finish their nightly pillow fight.
"They act childish.", she mumbled under her breath, a loose strand of hair hanging in front of her eyes and (surprise!) it didn't stay away from her face after she aggressively blew at it.

"Maybe that's because they in fact are children.", Louis dragged the 'are' and rolled his eyes in the process. If Lottie wasn't able to actually cook and was about to do her driver's license, he would think that he's the only adult person in this household.

"And who's fault is that?", Lottie didn't stop.

"That they're children? Hm", Louis scratched his head in a thinking manner, "probably anatomy or the evolution. Oh! Wait, no, god! It's definitely god's fault. Anatomy is way to abstract to hold it responsible."

Lottie rolled her eyes at him. In the meanwhile she finished cleaning up and now made her way to Louis to sit on the countertop.

"The blue is too blue." She stated, her eyes fixed on the bowl of 'too blue' blue popcorn.


The doorbell rang.



"I thought you're two friends know Friday is Disney night."

"Heyy! I have more than two friends! And yes my friends do know that Fridays are off." Louis was quite offended. He had friends. Plenty of friends. There was obviously Zayn, Liam, Danielle...ha! That's already three! And-

"Lewis! The door!" His train of thoughts got interrupted by his loving and sweet sister.

The door.


Louis walked past the living room into the hallways in the direction of the door when he spotted his three other sisters at the top of the stairs in blue pyjamas and a wide eyes look.

"The cute boy is back." Daisy whispered in adoration.

Louis' brain didn't even register his sisters sentence before he opens the door.
Because if it would have, Louis would have know right away would stood in front of his door on a family Friday. Not Zayn cause Zayn was just 'Zaynie' or 'the model' for his sister. Liam didn't show up without a text so there was only one person left on his list...

Harry Styles.

But well his brain was to slow so Louis was now standing face to face (as much as the height difference allowed it) with the boy he kissed less than a week ago while wearing a blue pyjama with glittery crowns all over it.


So much happened since I updated the last time but anyways I'm back!

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