Chapter 21

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A second date?

Has he lost his fucking mind?

And No Louis was not talking about Harry but about himself. Cause right there in this moment, even if it was only for a split second Louis actually considered it. He WANTED to go on a date with the cute curly haired boy that was sitting opposite of him. Wanted to have one of these cheesy movie moments where Harry would pick him up, laugh with his sisters and then take his hand and leading him to his car. Kissing him goodbye at the end.

Maybe Louis was drugged.

And maybe only maybe Louis was doomed and had the admit that he was actually falling-

"Earth to Louis." Two hands appeared in front of Louis' face. Harry's amused and smug looking face right behind them. Fuck.
"I know that's a quite tempting outlook. You and me alone in a romantic atmosphere, but you need to say yes first."

Where was he taking all this confidence from?

"You're way to confident, Harry Styles." Louis turned around ready to bolt out of the room. Nevertheless he pulled himself together and casually grabbed his notebook and bag with his last remaining self-control.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" Harry sounded way to adorably shocked. Adorably shocked? Wow Louis, you've grown soft.

"Home." Louis answered as if it was the most obvious thing on the whole planet.

Not for Harry apparently.

"You can't just go! I need an answer first. Louis you're being cruel to my oh so lovely heart. Do you want to torture me? Cause if you're leaving right now that's exactly what you'll achieve. I'll wonder if you'll say yes or no. Shattering my brain. Come on Louis." Harry rambled and even started to pout. "I'm so breakable and fragile."

If Louis wasn't used to Harry's stupidity and him being fucking annoyed, he would have reacted with more than a simple roll of his eyes.

"I'm leaving now, because I'm tired and my sister are probably going wild alone." He turned around, opened the heavy black door and took a step out of the room. Before he completely withdrew himself tho, he turned a last time and warily looked into the green orbs.
"Hm. Perchance I'm in a good mood because of your song. If you can convince me that I should definitely go out with you, I'll say yes."

"Okey, mastermind. Define 'convincing' for me." Harry smirked. Probably thinking that he already won.

"I don't know. I can't think of everything. You'll find a way, Styles. I'm sure of it. I believe in you." Louis winked a last time at Harry before turning around and letting the black door fall shut behind him.

Immediately after it was closed Louis let himself fall against the cold metal. Sighing out loudly.

Harry won't do anything, will he? Cause he would actually have to want Louis. Right?
Absolutely impossible.


Apparently it wasn't as impossible as Louis thought.

The following week, while Louis had to learn for his upcoming exams, take care of his sister, run to the restaurant and train the girls, Harry made it to his own mission aka mission 'win Louis' heart' to get on Louis' nerves.

His sisters when hanging on his arm gushing about how cute and perfect Harry was.

On Monday Louis received the first bouquet of flowers. His sister even screeched when they found it on the front porch.
Attached to it was a neatly written letter. A yellow ribbon wrapped around it. It even had a wax seal on it with the Styles' family blazon as Louis assumed.

Louis rolled his eyes but opened the seal with cautiousness.

'Dear Louis,

Today starts mission 'win Louis' heart'. Every day you're gonna receive one bouquet of flower more than the last and every day has a special theme. Today's theme is: sunshine.
Because you, Louis, are the sun that brightens my life.
(Don't crease your forehead or you'll get unwanted wrinkles. This is supposed to be romantic so SMILE!)
Don't even try to run from it, Lou. Your sisters are on my side!

"Life is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other."
-Oscar Wilde

Yours sincerely,
Harry Edward Styles.'

Did he just sign with his whole name?

And these traitors! Why did he love his sisters again?

And since when was Harry an Oscar Wilde fan? No offence Louis loved Oscar Wilde he was one of his favourite authors. But was Harry a fan and enthusiast or was it just a lucky coincidence?

Arising from his train of thoughts Louis stuffed the note in his back pocket, picked the bouquet up and carried it into to living room.
Just now realising that it was in fact themed with sunflowers and other yellow flowers Louis could never know the name of.

"You should marry him." Daisy pipped with her big Bambi eyes.

"Or at least give him a chance." Lottie added.

"He's so cute Louis and he actually tries. You don't even know how rare this is nowadays."
Fizzy interjected while Louis finally put the flowers down. His arms already arching from the weight.

"I don't know why this is your business."

"We think he would make you very happy, you know?"

"And he's rich." Thank you, Lottie.

Louis rolled his eyes and made his way upstairs. "I have to learn. Please don't burn the house down again and only disturb me if it's urgent."

"We didn't burn the house! We just gave it a personal touch!" An answer echoed from beneath him.

How glorious.

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