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Clay's POV

I walked into the school with slow but steady footsteps. I still didn't like going to school because I always got bullied. I didn't let it hurt me, I used it to make myself stronger. However, it wasn't funny when the whole class was laughing at you for being gay, including some teachers who didn't accept me.

It was just stupid. I used to be pretty popular among the girls because I was tall, pretty muscular and people used to call me handsome. I had a few girls asking me out and that was how I accidentally outed myself. I told her I wasn't interested in girls and didn't expect her to understand that I was gay.

Girls still looked at me a lot, but now they knew I was gay, no one came up to me anymore and everyone just made stupid comments like I chose to be gay in a world that was really homophobic...

I was deep in thoughts as someone suddenly bumped into me. I just ignored it and walked past them as I heard them yell at me. I listened to the insults as I walked to my locker, opening it slowly.

The boy kept following me while laughing and insulting me and I turned around, walking closer to him. 'Listen up, buddy. I'm 6,2 feet and you're barely taller than 5,5 feet. I can knock you out in one hit because I'm about one hundred pounds heavier than you. Now, please leave me the hell alone or I'll beat you.'

The boy looked pretty scared when he realised I was way more muscular and taller than him. He glanced at his feet and then turned around, walking off as fast as he could. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff out of my locker.

Honestly, we basically did nothing at school anymore since everyone graduated already but we just filled time by looking more into study choices. I already knew what I wanted to do after I graduated which was obviously the army, so I always sat still and said nothing during class. Luckily this was the last week at school.

I only had one hour today and after that I was going to the gym to exercise a lot. I needed to get the strongest I could get so they would immediately accept me and they wouldn't even suspect that I was anything other than straight.

I walked to my class and let out a sigh, sitting down on my chair. I rested my back against the wall and lifted my feet up on the chair next to me since no one sat next to me anyway.

'Okay, I'm going to walk around to talk to every student about their study choice. If you already know what you're going to do, you're allowed to leave.'

I immediately grabbed my bag and stood up to walk away as the teacher called my name.

'Clay, you don't know it yet,' she sighed.

'I do, miss,' I replied. 'I'm going into the army. I already have a date scheduled that they are going to see if I'm accepted.'

'You're not going to get accepted so sit back down and write down the other choices you have,' she demanded with a rude voice.

'No, I've been training for ages, I'm going to be accepted! I will be a soldier in the American army and no one can stop me,' I yelled as I turned back to the door.

'Don't be ridiculous, Clay. You know they don't accept homosexuals.' She pointed to my chair as I opened the door.

'I'M NOT GIVING UP BECAUSE I'M GAY! I'M GOING TO PROVE YOU WRONG AND I WILL BE A SOLDIER!' I screamed, turning to the door to run off.

'Pfft, if you talk to your sergeant like that you'll just get shot,' a boy in my class grinned.

'That's why I won't talk to people like this, but I have to respect them and I DON'T RESPECT PEOPLE WHO MAKE FUN OF MY SEXUALITY.'

Everyone in the classroom laughed at me and I grinned softly.

'Just wait,' I chuckled. 'I'm going to make it, I will be a soldier and serve in the army. I will fight for freedom and save the people who are unfairly neglected because of their sexuality, race or anything like that. Make fun of me, but I'm one hundred percent sure that I'll be a soldier in a year.'

It was quieter in the classroom and I looked at the teacher.

'I'm going, miss. I know my choice already and I don't need to be here any longer. Goodbye, just wait, okay? Wait for me to walk around in a soldier's outfit with my weapon and ammunition. I will reach so much more in my life than all you straight idiots will.'

I didn't listen to the reply anymore and slammed the door behind me as I smiled. I felt so strong because of the haters, they gave me so much adrenaline and strength.

I walked away with a big smile on my face, starting to run to the gym that was half an hour away. A half an hour run was nothing to me anymore after I once ran for four hours. I would have to run more in the army, but my stamina was really good. I could easily run more.

I grabbed my bag and lunchbox. My mother prepared me a salad and a sandwich with a protein bar. I started eating it while running and finished all the food before I went to the gym.

I did everything to be a soldier. I went to a nutritionist so I knew what to eat and how to gain muscles as fast and healthy as possible. I followed a high calorie diet which made me gain muscles but not fat. I ate up to four thousand calories on a day I trained hard.

I was going to make it and I was so sure. I smiled brightly as I opened the door to the gym, walking in with a grin on my face. I couldn't wait to see all their faces when they sat behind their desk, doing the most boring job there was because they weren't smart enough to do anything else.

The weak gay boy who wouldn't be able to do anything in life was going to be the most successful one who reached all his dreams and I couldn't wait to laugh at them for once.

1089 words

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