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-If you're still reading this, you probably don't mind war so no triggers (there's shooting and death but that's the story)

Clay's POV

The rest of that night was everything but relaxed. We walked through the field for the whole night to find our sergeant and the others from our platoon. The other army retreated because our army was stronger right now. They left this area and we went to our first destination with all the people we were able to find.

We went to a saver area and set up our barracks. I laid with Sapnap and three other people from my platoon. I hoped the other people would be found, but I started doubting that more and more...

It was really early in the morning as I sat with Sapnap, eating a weird substance while laying down. 'I had such an adrenaline rush at night and now I'm exhausted,' Sapnap mumbled.

'Same, this is really intense, but I think as soon as we are leaving to go to battle again, we will most likely get the adrenaline rush again.'

'I can't stop thinking about the two people from the German army last night,' Sapnap whispered. 'I'm really sure I killed one.'

'Sapnap, this is war. You need to kill them because otherwise you would have been dead. We need to free these countries and we have to kill people for that. I'm also pretty sure I killed one of them and the first time that's really shocking, but we need to because that's why we are here.'

He nodded slowly. 'I just- they were probably forced to go to the army because of their leader and didn't even want to be involved in this.'

'You need to stop thinking like that because you will start eating yourself alive if you do. We need to fight, Sapnap and we will have to kill way more people!'

'Okay... you're right,' he sighed. He laid down and looked at the sky. 'It's going to rain.'

'Yeah,' I replied. 'And I think we are leaving to another area soon to fight again...'

'This is difficult, man,' Sapnap admitted. 'I didn't expect to be here during these kinds of wars.'

I scoffed softly. 'Me neither, but it's okay with me. We need to help free the world from this war.'

We both agreed to that and just looked at the sky for minutes while eating and drinking some water. We had no idea when we were going to leave again so we took as much rest as we could now. This was way more intense than we would have ever thought a month ago.


'EVERYONE STAND UP! WE WILL BE LEAVING TO AN AREA THAT'S FULL OF ENEMIES!' the sergeant suddenly screamed as we jumped up.

'Yes, sergeant!' everyone yelled as he pointed behind him.

'Each platoon goes into one truck! We will enter a war zone, the Soviet Union tried to attack them, but they retreated! It's extremely dangerous there, so we need to do anything we can do!'

'Yes, sergeant!' we repeated as we ran to the trucks. I helped the people from my platoon up and sat next to Sapnap while cleaning my weapon. He looked at his hands and leaned back on the wooden bench.

No one talked during the ride to the occupied area. Once we were close to the woods, we had to step out of the trucks. Everyone held their weapons really tightly, ready to shoot if anyone suddenly showed up.

We kept walking to the forest until we heard someone shoot in the distance. Everyone immediately knelt down to crawl on the ground so no one would see us or shoot us out of nowhere. I went to the left with my platoon and our sergeant, holding my finger on the trigger so I was completely ready to shoot if I needed to.

We kept crawling further as we heard more shooting sounds. The sergeant lifted his hand to make us all freeze and be as quiet as we could. 'Stay still,' he whispered when one of us tried to move.

He started crawling further when it had been quiet for a little and one of the soldiers did the dumbest thing ever, he lifted himself up to look which caused the sergeant to push him down. Within seconds, bullets were fired from the other side and I lifted my weapon up to shoot back.

'FIRE!' the sergeant screamed as we all started shooting the enemies who laid somewhere in the forest, trying to shoot us. I hit one of them and he screamed because I shot his leg. I immediately shot again, this time I pointed to his chest. He got shot, fell down and then laid in silence as I realised I killed him.

I didn't think about it for any longer as more and more shots were fired. The sergeant told us to run to the other side of the forest since there were more trees to hide behind as we heard a really long noise and then a scream. Someone was hit by a grenade...

We ignored all the screams and I kept shooting as soon as I saw someone with a light grey uniform since those were from the opposite army. Our uniform was light green with black and dark green spots like most people knew an army uniform.

I lifted myself up a tiny bit and sat on my knees to see if anyone was close to us. 'BEHIND!' the sergeant screamed as we saw a whole platoon from the other army behind us. We immediately laid on the floor and hid behind the trees as we started shooting.

'COME WITH ME!' the sergeant shouted since there was so much noise with all the shots, grenades and screaming voices in the forest. We all went with the sergeant while we kept shooting on the army that was forming behind us. I managed to shoot a few of them and so did the others which caused the platoon to retreat.

Just as we thought we were safe again, the sergeant's mouth fell open and he immediately told us to stay on the floor with our mouths shut. I crawled forwards and then looked where the sergeant was looking too. I saw an open area full of enemies and I was about to lift my weapon as I saw what the sergeant saw.

There were tanks coming closer with hundreds of soldiers next to them. 'FALLBACK!' the sergeant screamed. 'FALLBACK!'

We turned around as we heard the tanks coming closer and closer. 'RUN!'

We all stood up and started running as fast as we could while the bullets flew around our faces. I dodged all of them as all of our platoons tried to fallback. When we were running back, we noticed another army coming from the other side.


I was panting from the adrenaline and we ran back again to go to the trench which was a deep tunnel in the ground we could hide in, hoping we'd ever come back to our previous camp...

1176 words

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