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Clay's POV

~ A Month Later ~

I was really busy with my AIT for a month and a few days now. I was in my final week and was sure I passed this too which meant I was actually going to be allowed to fight in the army. Sapnap was here with me and we did a lot together. Some moments were really hard so we constantly pushed each other to keep going.

I sat with Sapnap during a short break. We had a lot more permissions now and we could go home during the weekends, call our family or friends and we had a lot more personal and free time. Since Sapnap didn't have a place to go to, he went with me during the weekends and stayed at the guest room in my house.

His life was changing a lot now he met me. He used to beat himself up for any small mistake he made because he figured his parents were right if he did fail something. Ever since he started turning that into his strength, sergeants were surprised that he went from almost giving up to one of the best soldiers.

Sapnap and I stood up together because we wanted to walk for a short while as our sergeant came up to our platoon. We immediately walked back and saluted him shortly as he demanded everyone to stand up and listen to him.

'Today is one of the last days of this training, but you won't be going home after this. The war that was going on has progressed very quickly. Multiple countries are occupied, including the US. We need to start fighting very quickly! Jews have been emigrating because they are threatened to be killed and a big part of the world is at war!'

It was quiet because no one knew what to say anymore.

'We need our army to fight and defend our country, but also our world. We have to fight for freedom and we need you there. In a week's time, you'll be sent to France to fight and you will not be coming home any time soon. From France, we aren't sure what's going to happen yet because we don't know how this war will continue.'

I looked at Sapnap with a shocked face since I really didn't expect this to happen so soon. I really wanted to fight but this was pretty shocking too.

'You'll most likely go to Belgium from France and then continue going to the Netherlands, Britain and so on. We will be going there with our military planes and ships. You all had this practice before, but we will practise it again and again and again until we go to war.'

'Yes, sergeant!' we all yelled as he pointed to a map in his hands.

'The German army is really strong and we need to do anything we can to free the world. We can't let one man take over and we will fight for what's ours!'

'Yes, sergeant!' we yelled again.

'Alright, you'll immediately practise jumping for the plane again and remember that next time this needs to be a secret. They aren't allowed to know that we are in France and everyone will be dropped somewhere else. Try to find each other, don't make too much noise and shoot whenever you need to.'


After a long day of practising jumping from a plane, which went really well, and some more classes, I went to bed early that evening. I was still a bit confused about what was going on since I had no idea that I would join the war this quickly.

I called my parents before going to bed and told them that I wasn't coming home any time soon. My mother started crying because she didn't see this coming at all, but my father wished me a lot of good luck and told me that I could do this.

Even though I was really tired, I couldn't fall asleep. I was pretty shaken up by the news we got today and eventually stood up from the barrack to sit outside for a little. I really wanted to join the army and I wanted this too, but it was pretty random. I was just seventeen and I would go to battle already.

I stared at the sun that was setting and felt a cold breeze stroke my body. It was getting winter and the days got darker and colder. I didn't mind, but going to battle during the winter would probably not be the easiest thing.

I leaned back on my elbows and took deep breaths as I heard footsteps coming closer to me. I turned around and saw Sapnap walking up to me, then sitting down too.

'I couldn't sleep either,' he mumbled, looking up at the moon that started to light up in the sky. 'It's pretty shocking, isn't it?'

I nodded slowly. 'I've always wanted this, but I didn't expect to immediately join the Second World War. We don't even know how long this will last, maybe this will take years...'

'We have each other, alright,' Sapnap smiled. 'We are going to war together and I won't leave your side.'

'I'm just thinking about what would happen if we would die,' I sighed. 'I already accepted that I'm dead at this point. I think the chances we will get out of this alive are smaller than us dying.'

Sapnap nodded. 'You need to see it as a game,' he started. 'Because if we fear death, we will never be able to fight like true soldiers.'

'It's just a game... we only don't respawn on earth if we die. I accepted it already, though, but maybe it's not even that bad. I know the German army might be strong, but so are we, right? We have a way bigger army than them, don't we?'

Sapnap chuckled. 'It's probably easy. We will defeat them in a matter of seconds.'

I grinned and laid down with an anxious feeling. I didn't think this was going to be easy, I actually had a feeling that this was going to be hell on earth. I didn't even know if I would ever return again because I knew this wasn't just an easy war. This was going to be the biggest war that ever existed.

1059 words

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