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-Amputation (blood)/death

Clay's POV

Sapnap and I sat close next to each other as we were hiding in the trenches. Sapnap was shaking because he was scared since we were completely surrounded by armies from the enemy.

I was constantly shooting whenever I could, aiming for soldiers on the tanks. I kept shooting, closing one eye to fully focus on the enemy on the tank now. I focused, waited for a second and then fired my shot to see him getting hit, falling down from it.

'YES, ANOTHER ONE!' the sergeant yelled as he aimed on the other. Sapnap aimed on the third and last tank as I started shooting like crazy to kill all the armies next to the tanks.


I nodded and grabbed one that was attached to the vest. I lifted myself up and pulled the pin out, throwing it into the mass of soldiers. I immediately hid myself in the trench again as I heard screams and then an explosion.


One of the other boys jumped up with a grenade and pulled out the pin, throwing it away to the group as a bullet fired at him.

'LAY DOWN!' the sergeant screamed, but it was already too late.

He got hit in his chest and fell down in the trench as he screamed loudly. 'HELP! I GOT HIT, HELP!'

'MEDIC!' I screamed out loud so the medic would come here. I sat down on my knees in front of him and ripped his uniform open and reached out for his bag to grab his first-aid kit. 'MEDIC, HERE NOW!'

I grabbed the bandage in the first-aid kit and pushed it on the wound as I heard someone close to our trench. I grabbed my weapon and let go of his wound, shooting without even thinking anymore. An enemy fell down and I pushed the man's wound again as he screamed from the pain.

'MEDIC, HURRY UP. NOW!' Sapnap screamed too now. 'NOW!'

It took a while but the medic ran through all the bullets, jumping down into the trench. I let go of the wound and sat on my knees with my weapon up on the edge.

'GRENADE!' Sapnap screamed. 'RUN!'

Everyone who could run started running as fast as possible. The grenade exploded close to the wounded soldier who screamed even louder. 'MY LEG, HELP ME! MY LEG!'

I glanced at him and saw that half of his leg was gone now. He was bleeding really badly and the medic, who wasn't wounded, started pulling him away, trying to make contact with the military hospital through his walkie-talkie.

'This is going to hurt,' he mumbled, grabbing his little bag with sulfa powder, which was salt to stop infections. He turned the bag around on his leg that was gone from his knee and down.

'AGH, STOP!' he cried as the medic put a bandage really strongly around his knee.

He lifted him up, carrying him on his shoulder as he ran away with him to bring him to the hospital.

I made a face to Sapnap and noticed the whole army in front of us was focused on the ten people in this trench now.

'ANOTHER GRENADE!' I screamed as we started running again. I heard more screams behind me from someone who got hit by the grenade too. He tried to lift himself up, but then got shot too. I tried to go to him, but Sapnap shook his head.


I nodded and started running again, hearing another person of our platoon getting shot. Sapnap went back this time since this man wasn't dead, only shot in his shoulder.

'Don't call a medic,' he mumbled. 'Just bandage it and take me with you, please.'

Sapnap nodded and opened his bag, grabbing his first aid-kit. 'I need to take the bullet out.'

'COME HERE FIRST, IDIOT!' I screamed at them sitting out in the open.

Sapnap carried him to me and looked at his shoulder. 'It's not deep, I can get it out.'

While Sapnap took out the bullet, me and the others shot more of the enemies that were coming closer to us.


Sapnap just took out the bullet and bandaged his wound very strongly. The man stood up again and started running with us, being so full of adrenaline that he barely felt the wound anymore.

'WE NEED TO CROSS THIS!' the sergeant shouted, pointing to the river in front of us. 'NOW! WE NEED TO FALLBACK.'

We all jumped into the river and started running as quickly as we could. I waited for everyone to pass and turned around, seeing a whole army come closer to us. I didn't doubt for any longer and grabbed Sapnap's grenade, pulling out the pin. I threw it into the platoon which they didn't notice.

It exploded and multiple people and body parts flew through the air as I ran further through the river. I tripped over a rock and shouted for help since the river was pretty strong. Sapnap just crossed the river but jumped back into the water to help me stand up again.

I was completely wet in ice cold water now and started shaking while running away from the armies. The sergeant was communicating with someone through his walkie-talkie to tell them we needed to fallback. He was asking for troops to get us away from here with trucks.


He laid down again and sighed softly as we crawled to the road. 'They are with way too many soldier. They have way better weapons than us.'

'It's okay, sergeant. We killed a lot of them,' I answered while we kept crawling.

'And we lost a lot of people...' he sighed. 'We should have retreated way earlier.'

I wasn't sure what to say so we waited in silence until we saw trucks coming closer. The other platoons were arriving at the road too and we stepped into the trucks with sad faces. Only our platoon was one death and two wounded soldiers already... I had no idea how bad the others were, but I was sure we were with way less soldiers than we were when we came here...

1080 words

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