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(The actual war/fighting part starts here and includes death/shooting/bombs etc)

-Death (not a main character)

Clay's POV

~ A Week Later ~

It was dead silence in the warplane we were sitting in. Ever since we entered this plane, no one opened his mouth again. We were all extremely nervous and scared for what was about to happen since no one knew what we would get into. No one wanted to know either because we realised this wasn't just a small war.

A few days ago, I saw my parents one last time and I said goodbye to them. It felt like a final goodbye to me since I accepted death at this point. I knew the chances I would die were higher than the chances that I would survive and I knew I had to accept that I was already dead so I wouldn't fear it during fights.

I was so incredibly nervous now I sat in this plane. I thought I'd just go to war, but I was immediately entering a war zone with the chance I would die in the air while jumping down from the plane because the other army would be shooting at us. Luckily it was night so I had more chances to land safely without them seeing us.

We sat in this plane for hours in a painful silence while we could hear a lot of shooting sounds down us. Sometimes it seemed to hit our plane which made my heart jump every time. I didn't want to crash before I even entered the war...

After a dead silence from hours, I heard the pilots of the plane suddenly yell something at the sergeant and he jumped up, running to him while they talked and pointed through the window.

'ALL OUR PLANES ARE UNDER ATTACK. THEY HAVE TO JUMP NOW BECAUSE THEY HAVE MACHINE GUNS,' he screamed as I looked through the small window to see another plane catch on fire. My mouth fell open as I saw the plane burn completely, imagining all the people inside who were currently dying and burning while fighting and screaming for their lives...

'SOLDIER ONE!' the sergeant yelled which caused me to be startled and immediately look away from the window. The first soldier in the plane sat in the door opening and prepared himself for a short while, taking a deep breath before jumping. 'JUMP! SOLDIER TWO!'

Everyone went after each other and I started shaking badly because I knew this could be over really soon now. I needed to jump, but me and Sapnap were the last soldiers in this plane, next to the sergeant who would go last. We would have to wait until most people jumped which caused me to get more and more nervous.

Sapnap was called and sat in the door opening, looking at me. 'I love you, brother,' he whispered as he jumped out too. My heart ached and I breathed out as I sat down too and saw multiple soldiers going down slowly with their parachute. Sapnap's parachute opened too and then I jumped down too. I did this countless times now, I knew what to do.

A while ago, the whole American army decided a code word we needed to say to each other in the dark. If the other wouldn't finish the code, it would be one from the other army and we would have to shoot them. One person would say "flash" and the other would immediately have to reply with "thunder" so we knew we were in the same army.

It took a while before I was finally on the ground. I was scared when I went down because I saw bullets fly through the air from every side. I was really glad that I didn't get shot mid air and detached my parachute, stuffing it in my bag as I started crawling over the floor, hearing sounds in the distance.

'Flash,' I whispered as my heart started beating really fast. I already held my finger on the trigger of my weapon so I was ready to shoot before they could shoot me. They didn't say anything and I was about to pull over the trigger as the other mumbled something.

'Thunder,' I heard a well known voice. 'Clay?'

'Sapnap,' I mumbled, crawling closer to him. 'Thank goodness you're okay! I can just constantly hear shooting and I saw a few planes catch on fire. Please say thunder faster next time, because I was about to shoot you!'

'I'm with you and I'm sorry,' he whispered back as we stood up, bowing forwards so we wouldn't be seen easily. Sapnap walked with me as we kept going to find more people in our army. We walked for minutes, having no idea what time it actually was. It was somewhere at night, that was all we knew.

'I hear something.' Sapnap abruptly stood still and I saw him turn while holding his weapon. I turned to the other side to make sure there wasn't anyone behind us as Sapnap yelled out "flash".

'Thunder!' the people yelled back as they came up to us. 'I'm so glad we found more people. I have no idea where anyone dropped. We are from platoon four.'

I didn't answer because Sapnap was talking to them already and then I heard loud shooting noises pretty close to us. We all knelt down and crawled further, hearing people scream at each other in German. All five of us held our finger on the trigger of our weapons as one of us screamed flash.

There was no response but the footsteps came closer as I saw two people from the other army show up. None of us hesitated for any longer when we saw them holding a gun, ready to shoot us, and we all shot at the same time. I didn't know who hit which one, but they both fell down on the ground as my heart started pumping faster and faster.

I had so much adrenaline in my body right now and lifted myself up again, grabbing the weapon out of the hands of the dead men in front of us. We could always use an extra and small weapon and I unloaded it, attaching it to my vest.

'I'm so scared,' one of the guys whispered. 'This is so much worse than I expected it to be.'

'Shut up,' I scoffed. 'It's only going to get worse, okay? We need to find our platoon right now so stop complaining! As long as you fear death, you will have an awful time in the army!'

'Sorry,' he mumbled, not speaking anymore.

We kept going, luckily not coming across anyone from the other army anymore. I wondered why I wasn't even scared, but I figured it was the adrenaline that rushed through my body. It felt like this wasn't even real and that I was just dreaming right now, but I was genuinely crawling through fields while people screamed, fought, shot each other and tried to find their platoon.

We managed to find seven other guys and we stayed together, even though this wasn't the right platoon. I had no idea where the others were, but we couldn't do much more than we did now to find them...

1200 words

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