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Clay's POV

~ Two Weeks Later ~

Sapnap and I trained really hard after the physical tests since we could get a call that we needed to go to another country to serve in the army any moment now. I knew the army was currently fighting in Germany and it appeared to be a really difficult battle since Germany was full of armies.

Sapnap and I had our bags packed, just in case we had to go. We said goodbye to our parents whenever they left shortly because we would only have a few minutes if we got a call to go again. We saw George and Karl for the last time a few weeks ago and hugged them tightly in case we wouldn't see them anymore.


I was busy grabbing everything I needed after a call from the sergeant who was coming here to get us and take us to the place we were going to leave from. He would go with us and we would be reunited with our old platoon to fight again.

We were both nervous as we said goodbye again to our parents and George and Karl through text, hoping we'd come back again. Sapnap had a lot of trouble with it since he appreciated his life so much now, but he knew he also wanted to fight.

'Come on, Sap. It's okay,' I smiled. 'We will be fighting again, it's just going to be a game. Change that mindset to the game mindset. It's a game, we will just be shooting some people to defend our land.'

He sighed and nodded. 'I'm trying. I think it will change once I'm there.'

~A Few Hours Later ~

Sapnap, the sergeant and I were sitting next to each other in the warplane. I was extremely nervous again now I was attached to my parachute, remembering the last time. It was getting darker outside since we needed to jump at night so people wouldn't immediately shoot us.

Luckily we were landing in an area that our army overtook already so the chances we got shot were pretty small.


After a flight of hours, we were getting ready to jump from the plane. I sat in the door opening at first as the sergeant counted down.


I immediately jumped down and grabbed the parachute. It opened which made me slow down and slowly go down to the ground. I looked up behind me and vaguely saw Sapnap going down too.

After a while, I arrived at the grass and I laid down on my stomach to make myself as small as possible. Sapnap landed on the ground a few meters away from me. We crawled up to each other as our sergeant landed very soon after us too.

'There's a truck waiting for us to take us to the camp while the others from our platoon are staying,' he whispered. 'We need to go left. If we come too late, he might think we are dead and we will have to walk.'


After crawling for minutes, we arrived at a road. The sergeant cursed as he sighed. 'He already left or we are in the wrong place. Anyway, let's just start walking. It will be a few hours away from here.'

We nodded and lifted ourselves up, starting to walk for the upcoming hours while it was getting darker and later. We were used to long walks, so no one cared about this at all.

I was cleaning my weapon to put focus on something else than the long walk and then loaded it as I looked up at the sergeant who lifted his hand up. We immediately dropped down on the floor and I held my fingers on the trigger as he shook his head slowly.

'It was a bird,' he whispered. 'Come, let's go quick before anyone actually shows up.'


We started walking very quickly for a long time until we finally arrived at the camp. It was around three to four hours later and we had to put our stuff down in the barracks and go to sleep immediately since we needed to go to an occupied area early the next morning.

All the soldiers were already sleeping and Sapnap dropped our stuff, laying down to sleep before it would be morning already. I had no idea what time it was, but I was pretty sure that I was around four am, which meant we only had two to maximum three hours of sleep today.

I was tired from this day since it was way more intense than all the days when I was at home. I suddenly left America, hours after that I sat in the plane, jumped down and now I was in Germany.

Sapnap laid next to me and smiled shortly in the dark of the night. He moved closer to me and grabbed my hand. 'It's stupid, but I guess I miss America... I had this when I joined the boot camp too the first few days,' he admitted.

I smiled softly and then pulled him closer to my sleeping bag. He rested his head on my chest and closed his eyes as I kissed his hair softly. 'Close your eyes, I'm with you and we will be back in America before you know.'

'Okay,' he whispered back so no one would wake up. I wrapped both my arms around him and massaged his neck with one of my hands.

'I love you,' I mumbled as I pressed another kiss on his head. 'We are together in this, I'm not leaving your side. We will fight side by side until we can't anymore. I'm not leaving you.'

He didn't answer but I knew he was smiling. He pulled his legs up and rested them against my thighs. 'I love you way more,' he whispered back to me.

I smiled and ruffled his hair up, then I ran my fingers through it to calm him down. Sapnap started breathing slower and I closed my eyes too when he reached his hand out to hold mine.

While I held him very tightly, holding my hand on his head while he held my hand on my chest, we both ended up falling asleep for a few short hours. I felt really safe with Sapnap close to me, he made me truly happy whenever I needed someone to make me happy. He was my family and I wouldn't leave his side...

1077 words

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