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Clay's POV

We had to crawl through the snow, getting really startled to see all the dead bodies on the ground, loads of craters from the grenades and countless bullet shots.

Sapnap and I crawled to a crater and hid ourselves in it. 'This is terrible already, but it seems quiet,' I mumbled.

He nodded slowly and crawled closer to me since it was freezing cold. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and let him rest his head on my shoulder as I started cleaning my weapon.

'Don't fall asleep, Sap,' I whispered as I saw him close his eyes. 'They can attack any second from now and I don't want you to get hurt, please.'

He nodded slowly and laid down in my arms without saying anything. We sat like this for minutes until we heard footsteps. I immediately grabbed my weapon. 'Flash!'

'Thunder!' The sergeant jumped down in the crater and smiled at us. 'They are waiting with their attack, I think they might attack at the least suspected moment and we do not know when this will be. They have really strong weapons and we lost a lot of soldiers from our army already.'

I nodded and started shaking too now from the cold. Sapnap held me tighter and the sergeant smiled softly. 'Are you just keeping each other warm or-?' he teased us.

'We are just keeping each other warm because we aren't like a thing, sergeant,' I answered with a grin. 'I might be gay, but I don't like anyone.'

Sapnap chuckled. 'It's so dang cold,' he scoffed. 'It's freezing.'

'It's going to get even colder,' the sergeant replied. 'I know it's really difficult to deal with this, but we need to fight.'


Sapnap and I both fell asleep in each other's arms when no one attacked for hours. We slept at least two hours until we heard screams and then an explosion.

I was immediately fully awake and lifted myself up as I pushed Sapnap so he'd wake up too. I lifted my weapon up when I saw another grenade getting thrown. Everyone from the enemies' army started shooting, throwing grenades and it seemed like they had tanks shooting us again.

I pulled the trigger to fire when I saw a few enemies and shot them as Sapnap suddenly shot up too, turning around with his weapon. 'What the hell is happening?'

'They are firing!' I screamed as I moved myself to the other side of the crater to see if anyone was behind us.


Sapnap and I kept shooting as we heard someone screaming loudly from a distance. The shooting sounds and the sounds from all the grenades exploding were so loud that we barely heard him at first.

I looked to my left and saw one soldier lay on the ground, screaming from the pain as I realised he lost his leg and his arm.

'MEDIC!' I screamed. 'A MEDIC NOW!'

The man kept screaming while he was laying in the open area. I saw another man from his platoon lift himself up.

'SIT DOWN! YOU'RE GOING TO GET SHOT!' I shouted at him.



He didn't listen to me and climbed out of the crater, running to the man who was screaming.

'YOU'RE RISKING BOTH YOUR LIVES, GO BACK RIGHT NOW!' I tried again, but it was too late. He got shot in his chest and immediately fell down without moving anymore. I shook my head since I was just really angry, I didn't feel emotions anymore when someone died.

The man started screaming even louder and I stuck my hand up. 'SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND ACT DEAD, IDIOT. THEY WILL SHOOT AGAIN ONCE THEY REALISE YOU'RE ALIVE!'

He listened to me and stopped moving, but I could still hear him sob softly from the pain which wasn't too weird after losing your leg and arm.

'Help,' he whispered as he looked at me and Sapnap. 'Please.'

'MEDIC!' I screamed again as I realised they started shooting to another side now. Apparently a whole platoon was running through the open field as I saw it as my chance. I lifted myself up slowly and laid on the floor, slowly moving myself forwards.

When I was close to the man, I jumped up and lifted him up onto my shoulder, running back to the crater as everyone started shooting me again. I kept running and jumped back into the crater, laying the man down as Sapnap started taking care of his wounds.

I lifted my weapon again and started shooting but the enemy didn't think this was close to enough. They started shooting with their tanks now and constantly fired bombs. More and more craters were formed and I kept screaming for a medic while the man kept screaming from the pain.

Sapnap put bandages really tightly around his amputated leg and arm which caused him to be in even more pain.


I saw a grenade flying through the air and I grabbed Sapnap's hand. 'WE NEED TO GO.'

'BUT HIM!' Sapnap yelled back as I jumped up.


Sapnap lifted the man on his shoulder and we climbed out of the crater, running away as fast as we could to go to an area that wasn't getting shot at.

We ran away while bullets flew around us. I suddenly heard Sapnap groan and I heard the sound of something hitting a helmet. I jumped in the first crater I saw as Sapnap laid on the floor.

'ARE YOU OKAY?' I shouted at him.

He nodded. 'They hit my helmet.' He crawled further and lifted the man into the crater, both sitting down together. They didn't shoot at us, but we both kept shooting as soon as we saw the change to get someone.


After fighting for hours, hundreds more deaths on our side but also theirs, it got calmer. It seemed like the enemy retreated for now, but I figured they would come back since they were way stronger than our army.

The man was taken to the hospital and Sapnap had a bad headache because of the bullet hitting his helmet. He didn't care about his headache at all since the main worry was the terrible cold at this point. We were both hypothermic and warmed ourselves up by holding each other tightly.

I was constantly shaking, I barely felt my feet anymore and Sapnap told me that my lips and hands were purple. He held me tight when the enemy retreated and eventually we fell asleep again.

1140 words

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