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Clay's POV

It seemed to stay quiet while we sat down in our crater, holding each other tightly because it was so incredibly cold. The food was running out and I heard the medic scream that he didn't have enough medical supplies anymore either.

Unfortunately, the weather was so bad that our planes couldn't drop us supplies right now so we needed to fight through the hunger while we barely had munition and medical supplies left.

I was shaking really badly as Sapnap looked up at me. 'It's okay,' he whispered. 'You're going to be okay.'

'I-I can't f-feel my l-l-legs,' I stuttered, too cold to talk normally.

(For the record, the temperature could go as low as -28 degrees Celsius and -18 degrees Fahrenheit)

'Stand up very shortly,' Sapnap demanded.

I nodded slowly and stood up, sitting back down straight after that. I did it another few times and smiled shortly. 'At least I feel something, but they are really numb.'

Sapnap sat in front of me and started rubbing his hands very quickly over my legs to warm them up. I grinned shortly and he rolled his eyes. 'I'm warming up too from this!'

'Great,' I laughed. 'This is what our life came to, how did it change this drastically?'

We were both really tired and we just started laughing about absolutely nothing. Sapnap laid back down next to me once I felt my legs again and yawned.

'How long are these idiots going to take?'

'I wish forever so we can leave and lay down in our barrack,' I scoffed. 'This cold is absolutely terrible.'

'Doesn't even care about the fact we can get bombed every second,' Sapnap chuckled.

'I've accepted defeat already, but I'm not dying because I'm hypothermic,' I grinned, looking up to the snow falling down. 'I want to die like a hero at least, you know?'

'I mean, dying because you slept outside in a terrible cold, waiting for an attack to happen without food... I think that's pretty heroic.'

'Fine... guess I'll die like this then,' I wheezed, rolling my eyes at him.

'Yeah, how about you just don't die, dumbass!'

'I'm already dead, I'm just a doll right now. You can throw me in the air, let the enemy shoot me and then they'll fire again!'

'Imagine being happy with the enemy shooting us,' Sapnap laughed.

'I'm getting bored now... they are taking too long! Let me just fire a warning shot,' I grinned.

'Don't you dare!' Sapnap shouted, pushing my weapon down.

'I'm not an idiot,' I wheezed as I closed my eyes. 'At least we can just sleep a lot, am I right?'

'You're way too positive right now.'

'Ah, man. We are going to die from the absolute cold. Maybe we will get shot and bleed to death, mate!' I mocked him.

'Yeah, just go back to being positive.'

I chuckled and looked up when I heard footsteps in the distance. I grabbed my weapon to make sure it wasn't an enemy, but I saw the same uniform as ours. I laid back down in the crater as I suddenly heard a shot getting fired.

I looked up again and saw the man who was walking got shot. He laid on the floor while begging for help as one of his platoon members stood up to get him, until...

Suddenly everything was under fire. Within seconds the whole area was exploding, multiple bullets flew through the air and I heard people scream really loudly as I saw light flashes fill the air.

'Oh my goodness,' I whispered. 'I didn't mean this with fire.'

It seemed like the enemy was constantly shooting with their tanks, throwing grenades and firing as much as they could. I lifted myself up to shoot back, seeing tenths of people die next to us.

'WE NEED TO RUN, WE WILL DIE HERE!' I screamed as I jumped up. Just as I jumped up, I saw a tree getting bombed. It started to fall down and Sapnap pushed me down as the tree fell on top of our crater.

'SHIT!' I screamed since we were stuck now. 'If there's a grenade in our crater, we are just so dead!'

I heard explosions everywhere around us and I curled myself up since this wasn't funny to me anymore. 'This is actually not funny,' I whispered as more and more people were screaming. I had no idea what they were dropping but everything was constantly exploding.

'Sapnap, I love you. Please remember that,' I mumbled as I held my hands on my ears. Sapnap pulled me closer and smiled shortly.

'It's okay, we will be okay. We are already dead, Clay. It's just a game... It's just a simple game. The tanks are shooting us now, but we will fight back. I just know it.'

'This isn't funny anymore,' I repeated. 'The last battles were really intense but this is something I've never seen before.'

'Me neither,' Sapnap answered quietly. 'Don't look up anymore, just stay down and wait for it to be over.'


I had no idea of time, but I knew it lasted for minutes till hours until it finally got calmer. I was in shock and constantly held Sapnap really tightly while shaking from the cold.

'I don't want this to happen again,' I whispered. 'At least it stopped snowing.'

'Oh yes, it did! That's really good, Clay! Then our planes can start flying again and drop us food, munition and medical supplies!'

I lifted myself up as I nodded. 'That's true actually, I didn't think about that,' I mumbled. 'I'm so thirsty, but my bottle is empty...'

'Here, have some of my water.'

'No, you need it. I should have been more careful with the water,' I replied, pushing his bottle away.

'No, you're going to be dehydrated and I'm not thirsty right now. Please, drink a few sips,' Sapnap demanded as he held the bottle in front of my mouth. I drank a few small sips and then pushed his bottle away as I heard plane sounds above us. I lifted myself up and peaked my head out of the crater by pushing the tree a bit to the side.

'Our planes! They are dropping stuff in the distance! I'm sure there will be trucks soon who will give us extra food!'

Sapnap lifted himself up too and we looked at multiple bags slowly falling down from the sky, most likely near the hospital. He smiled and pulled me closer. 'We are getting saved, Clay. We will beat those ugly assholes who think they can win this battle.'

I grinned and nodded heavily. 'We will win this one too!'

1121 words

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