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-Getting shot (main character)

Clay's POV

~ A Few Days Later ~

If you asked me how we won that battle, I couldn't tell you anymore. So much happened in the past few days and for some reason we ended up winning the fight after we shot hundreds to thousands of enemies.

Sapnap and I didn't get wounded, which was still a miracle, but I knew thousands of our soldiers lost their lives during this battle. The hospital was completely overloaded with people, but luckily a lot could get out soon since they had safe wounds.

After the planes dropped us extra munition, food and medical supplies, we started shooting like crazy and killed more of them than they killed from us. The extreme cold got a bit less which caused me, and the others, to be able to think normally and I figured we won the battle because everyone kept shooting and fighting back.

We were currently still in Belgium and I was walking through the forest with my platoon and four to seven other platoons. I didn't count them, but I knew we were with a lot of people since we never knew if someone would show up and attack us.

We walked for at least ten minutes as I suddenly noticed a house in the middle of the forest. I frowned and more people saw it, but they ignored it. I grabbed Sapnap's hand and walked to the house to see if anything was going on in there.

After knocking on the door which didn't lead to anything, I pushed against the door that was stuck because it was frozen. I kicked against it which caused it to break and hit the inside's wall.

Sapnap and I walked inside and looked around, not seeing anyone nor a sign of life in here. I shrugged. 'I don't think there's anyone here.'

'Maybe like down here?' Sapnap asked. He pointed to the floor and softly tapped his foot on the ground.

'Leave them if they are. Why would they be hiding?' I questioned, then turned quiet. 'Jewish people maybe? I heard that they are being followed and even killed...'

'They are probably fearing for their life if they are actually here right now and if they are Jewish. What if they think we are looking for them? DON'T BE SCARED, WE ARE FROM THE US ARMY!' he yelled loudly so they wouldn't have to be scared. 'WE AREN'T GOING TO HURT YOU!'

It was still really quiet. There was either no one or they didn't trust it and stayed as still as possible.

'Anyway,' I mumbled after a minute of silence. 'Is there any food here?'

'Nope, I think this house is as dead as I don't know what,' Sapnap answered. 'It's cold too, I don't think there's a heater in here.'

I shook my head and walked back to the door to go back outside. The others walked further already and we fastened up to get to them before we would lose them and be lost alone in this forest.

We were halfway to being caught up to them as we suddenly heard a gun firing its shot. Everyone froze and we knelt down on the ground as we heard more and more gunshots.

'WE ARE UNDER FIRE!' the sergeant of our platoon screamed. 'FIRE BACK!'

Everyone laid down on the ground to shoot, but Sapnap and I weren't even near them yet. I looked at him and he looked back, knowing we couldn't go forwards anymore.

The sergeant turned around to us laying on the floor and pointed backwards. 'DID YOU CHECK THE HOUSE? HIDE, NOW!'

'YES, SERGEANT,' I screamed as we started crawling back to the house. I held my weapon tightly in case there was suddenly an enemy in the house now and we kept crawling as a grenade got thrown at us. Sapnap and I both stood up and ran away as fast as we could, both going into a different direction as we escaped from the explosion.

I was closer to the house than he was, but since there were so many bullets flying through the air, we couldn't get to each other anymore. 'SAPNAP!' I screamed. 'STAY STILL!'

He nodded slowly and I looked away since I laid in the middle of an open area.

'HIDE!' Sapnap screamed at me. I crawled to the house and leaned against the wall. Sapnap laid in the distance, trying to get closer to me.

I lifted myself up a tiny bit to look behind me to make sure there wasn't anyone creeping up on me and shooting me without any warning. I peaked my head out above the balcony and heard Sapnap scream at me.


I was about to lay down again as I suddenly felt an absurd pain in my shoulder. I screamed out loud from the pain and fell on the floor as Sapnap started screaming at me.


I hitched a breath as I lifted my hand up to my shoulder, returning completely red. I realised I got shot and my body started shaking really badly as I tried to lift myself up.

Before I even realised it, I saw a grenade getting thrown at the house. I tried to get away as the house exploded and pieces flew through the air, hitting me too. I didn't get hurt from them, but I felt blood streaming down my arm.

'CLAY, GET AWAY FROM THERE! PLEASE!' Sapnap screamed as he was trying to get closer to me. 'NOW!'

I had so much adrenaline in my body that I stood up and ran up the little stairs that led to the entrance of the house. I was running as fast as I could and was about to get into the house as I felt another bullet hit my body.

It pierced my leg and I fell on the ground while screaming really loudly. 'SHIT! SAPNAP, I'M SHOT AGAIN!'

Since the house was blown up, I couldn't hide behind the wall anymore and I looked at Sapnap who tried to stand up. 'STAY STILL! I'M COMING!' he screamed back at me. 'MEDIC!'

I laid down while groaning from the pain in my shoulder and my leg. I ignored the pain when I saw someone walk up to the house. I loaded my weapon and shot him as Sapnap tried to stand up.


'YES, STAY DOWN!' I screamed back as I kept shooting, not feeling the pain anymore from the adrenaline in my body.

1112 words

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