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-Getting shot/blood (main character)

Clay's POV

~ One Month Later ~

The days had been very difficult, intense and sometimes pretty hopeless. We had been fighting for a month now, going from Germany back to another country, back to Germany again, but the enemy wasn't giving up either.

After weeks of fighting, we managed to get through the biggest fights in our lives. One of the fights had been so intense that we lost three hundred soldiers in minutes. Sapnap and I retreated with the rest of the group and we planned an attack that they didn't know anything about.

We attacked at night, throwing bombs, using tanks and loads of different types of guns. That was the first night that Sapnap and I took the lead since our sergeant was shot. He survived, but couldn't fight anymore which caused him to pass his leadership to me.

I told Sapnap that I needed help and we made up the plan for all the attacks under the leadership of our general who helped us.

Three nights after we randomly attacked, and defeated them, we planned another attack close to where the leader of this war lived. Thousands of armies from the enemy surrounded us and we retreated immediately, still losing a lot of our soldiers.

Today a really big attack was planned. Sapnap and I had the leadership over two platoons who needed to do everything we said. We planned the attack out at night together and knew we were sure what to do.

'We are going to destroy them,' Sapnap grinned as he pushed me softly. 'We've fought for so long without anything happening to us and this is going to be one of the last big attacks, buddy.'

I smiled at him and loaded my weapon as a joke. 'I'll shoot them all,' I grinned, acting like I was firing shots.

'Be careful, dumbass. You might actually shoot!'

I wheezed and sat down while waiting for the trucks to arrive and take us to the area we had to be.


Everyone jumped out of the trucks and we immediately fell down on our knees as we started to crawl further to the area we were going to fight. There were people shooting because the British army was already fighting here, but that was planned out too.

'Everyone, be quiet,' I whispered as I held my hand up so everyone would stop crawling. 'That platoon, go to the left. This one, to the right. I want you to stick with the others, if you get lost, try to find them but don't make a sound. The other army thinks that only the British army is here and they have no idea the US army is attacking too, understood?'

'Yes, sir,' everyone whispered, doing what I told them to do. Their sergeant went with them as Sapnap and I went to the right together with our platoon, crawling over the dirt ground.

We kept crawling until I saw multiple platoons from the enemy in front of us. I held my hand up and we all hid behind some bushes as I turned around.

'Three, two, one, FIRE!' I yelled as everyone started shooting at the soldiers who had no idea what was going on.

Within seconds, all the soldiers who stood there were shot and we lifted ourselves up to continue. 'FIRE, GRENADES! THROW THEM!' I screamed as another platoon showed up.

Two of the soldiers threw their grenades and we kept shooting as we made our way further into the field. Everything went like plan so far and Sapnap lifted himself up to hide behind a tree, planning his attack.

I was about to yell to anyone that they needed to go forwards as I saw enemies show up behind Sapnap.


They nodded and did what I told them too as Sapnap turned around, trying to shoot them all. I ran up to him and began to shoot too as everything seemed to escalate. The tree behind Sapnap was hit by a grenade. Sapnap ran away before it exploded but the tree started collapsing.

He couldn't get away on time and the tree hit his helmet which made him fall down on the ground. 'HELP!' he screamed as the tree fell down on top of his back. He screamed from the pain and tried to get away.

I ran up to him and grabbed his arm, pulling as hard as I could to get him out of there, but he shook his head.


'NO!' I screamed back. 'I WON'T LEAVE YOU!'

I started pushing the tree and let Sapnap grab my leg so I could pull him with me. 'CLAY, LEAVE!'

I kept pulling him out of there and he moved a tiny bit as I kept pulling him closer to me. 'COME ON, JUST A SMALL BIT!'

He groaned as he did anything he could to get out and just as I managed to pull him away from the tree, I saw an enemy in front of me. I was too slow to react and heard Sapnap scream at me, trying to pull me down as everything moved in slow motion.

'CLAY, LAY DOWN! NOW!' Sapnap screamed, but it was too late.

A bullet hit me in my stomach and I coughed loudly as I fell down onto the ground.

'YOU ABSOLUTE MORON!' Sapnap shouted as he lifted himself up, even though he had a lot of pain from the tree that crushed his body. 'YOU'RE SO STUPID! WHY DID YOU NOT LEAVE ME?'

I held my hand on my stomach as I started coughing loudly and painfully. Sapnap started screaming for a medic as he grabbed bandages and pushed it on my stomach to stop the bleeding.

'WHY DID YOU DO THAT?' he screamed again, hitting his fist on the ground. 'WHY?'

'Because I love you,' I whispered. 'And I didn't want to let you die.'

'NOW YOU'RE DYING!' he screamed with tears in his eyes. 'WE NEED A MEDIC, RIGHT NOW! CLAY IS GOING TO DIE, MEDIC NOW!'

I felt my throat filling up with a thick substance and started coughing loudly so I wouldn't choke on it. I noticed it was blood since the dirt turned red now and I closed my eyes slowly.

'I died by saving your life. That was the only way I wanted to die in this war...'

'NO!' Sapnap screamed. 'YOU'RE NOT DYING! KEEP FIGHTING!'

The voices got blurry and I felt my eyes roll away. 'Clay, I love you so much, brother. So much,' was the last thing I heard before everything turned black...

1137 words

A tree falls down on Sapnap's body and Clay is shot in his stomach, passing out

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