251 26 18

-Amputation (main character)

Clay's POV

I kept shooting while blood streamed down from my shoulder and my leg. I knew I needed a medic, but I didn't feel any pain anymore. I needed to defend myself now and the medic wasn't showing up anyway. Sapnap screamed multiple times for him, but no one came...

'CLAY, I'M COMING!' Sapnap screamed at me.


'YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR WOUNDS! YOU'RE BLEEDING TO DEATH!' he shouted back. I saw him lift himself up and I screamed for him to stop walking as a grenade was thrown at him.

Sapnap started running as fast as he could, but he slipped in the snow and then the grenade exploded. I turned completely quiet for a few seconds and then felt my heart pumping even faster than it already did.

'SAPNAP!' I screamed at the top of my lungs, waiting for all the dirt that flew through the air to be gone so I could see him. 'SAPNAP! ARE YOU THERE?' ANSWER ME!'

I heard loud screams from the pain as I saw him move very slowly. 'MEDIC!' I screamed out when I saw blood everywhere. I looked where it came from and then saw his arm was just gone. 'WHERE IS THIS STUPID MEDIC? MEDIC! HERE!'

Sapnap was screaming from the pain as he looked at his arm in shock. He started breathing faster and faster, trying to get away from all the bullets.

'SAPNAP, ACT DEAD. LAY STILL!' I shouted at him, trying to load my weapon as I realised it was blocked. 'SHIT!'

'HELP,' Sapnap yelled, his voice filled with pain. 'SOMEONE HELP ME!'


I reloaded it, but it didn't shoot which caused me to stress really badly. I grabbed my bag to get new ammunition and was about to put in some new bullets as I heard Sapnap scream.


I turned around as I saw an enemy walk up to me with his weapon loaded. I tried to load my weapon again, but it didn't shoot. I saw Sapnap trying to crawl over the ground to grab his weapon that flew away when the grenade exploded, but he couldn't reach it.

'DO SOMETHING!' he screamed at me. 'YOU'RE GOING TO DIE, SHOOT HIM!'

I tried to crawl away and hid behind a random desk in the room as I kept trying to get my weapon to work again. It couldn't load it anymore and I threw the weapon away out of anger.

The enemy noticed me because I made a lot of sound and walked into the blown up house with his gun. I curled myself up and started accepting defeat. This would be it for me, I was going to die right now and I accepted my faith.

I laid in silence and waited for the gun to shoot me, kill me and then for peace and silence as I suddenly heard a loud scream. I reopened my eyes and lifted myself up as I saw two boys in the room. They didn't seem to be from the army and one of them stuck the enemy with a knife.

The boy with brownish hair and nail polish on his fingers took the knife out again, but the enemy wasn't dead. He lifted his gun and shot at the boy, but missed, as I was suddenly able to think again.

I grabbed the gun I got from the first man I killed, lifted it up and then shot the enemy multiple times until I was sure he was dead. I breathed really quickly as I dropped the gun on the floor and looked at the two boys.

'Oh my goodness,' one with dark brown hair whispered.

'HIDE!' I screamed at them. 'NOW!'

They ran to the kitchen and sat down behind the counter as I reloaded my weapon, putting new ammunition in it. It finally started working again and I saw Sapnap look at the house.


'I'M HERE, SAP! I'M COMING!' I screamed, trying to lift myself up. I immediately collapsed because I was shot in my leg and couldn't stand on it so I started crawling further instead.

I went to Sapnap without getting shot and ignored the pain in my leg. I stood up, lifted Sapnap up on my shoulder and started running back to the house. Everyone started firing at me, but I didn't get hit anymore and ran to the house, laying Sapnap down on the floor.

'I'm dying,' he whispered. 'Where is the medic?'

'No, you're not dying!' I shouted at him. 'YOU'RE NOT DYING, UNDERSTOOD?'

I grabbed my bag and grabbed my first-aid kit, grabbing bandages to tie around his arm that was bleeding really badly. He screamed because I hurt him so much and I looked out of the window again.


I looked back and saw the two boys peak their heads out above the counter, shaking because they were so scared.

'I- uh-,' the boy with the nail polish started. 'My dad is a medic. He's down there.'

'GET HIM, NOW!' I screamed as the boy went down to get his father.

His father ran back up and knelt down next to Sapnap. He grabbed a first-aid kit from a bag that he was carrying and took care of Sapnap as he looked at me after that.

'Where did you get shot?' he asked as I looked away.

'I don't need help!' I laid down on the floor again and saw a few enemies running closer. I immediately started shooting and killed them, looking back at the father.

'I need to take out the bullets, you might bleed to death or become paralysed.'


'We have a secret home down there,' the father said. 'I went to Belgium with my son and his best friend to hide.'

I turned quiet as I looked down to the entrance, glancing at Sapnap who was groaning softly. 'Clay, please listen to him. You'll die if you don't. Please.'

'Fine,' I sighed as I let myself get taken down to their secret room with Sapnap. 'I think our medic is either dead or doesn't care about anything anymore because he's not showing up.'

'I will take care of you. I don't have the medical supplies to give you extra blood, but I can take the bullet out and try to stop the bleeding.'

'Just be quick,' I mumbled.

1105 words

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