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Clay's POV

We went back to our current location where we stayed in our barracks and I sat outside while I ate a meal someone cooked for us. Sapnap was laying down on his bed inside of the barrack to take some rest since we would immediately leave to go to battle again tonight. I couldn't fall asleep even though I was tired. I had too much to think about.

I sat alone in silence for hours until I heard Sapnap come up to me. He sat down while eating something too and sighed. 'I managed to get two hours of sleep.'

'I didn't,' I mumbled, staring in front of me. 'I'm exhausted but I'm constantly processing what happened.'

'You can process everything all day, but you really need to get some sleep now, Clay. We will be up all night and you can't fall asleep during the actual battle.'

I sighed. 'I guess I'll try to sleep, but I'm not sure if I can.'

I stood up to go to the barrack and I laid down. I was way more exhausted than I expected myself to be and I fell asleep within minutes.


I was woken up by Sapnap since we almost had to go now it was midnight. Apparently I managed to get four hours of sleep and I felt better than I did before that.

I sighed softly and quickly got something to eat before we had to go on the trucks to attack the enemies at night, hopefully with more success this time...


The trucks stopped and we jumped out of them, crawling on the ground in the silent forest. The enemies didn't notice us this time which caused us to attack and start shooting. I was hidden behind a few big trees with Sapnap and we constantly shot around us to make sure we would shoot anyone who would come near us.

~ A Few Hours Into Battle ~

After hours of fighting, a lot of explosions, screams and wounded people, we finally heard the enemies scream to fallback. All their armies started running away while we kept shooting on them and eventually they disappeared in the distance to never come back.

The sergeant smiled and crawled to us to make sure there wasn't anyone who could hit him. 'We've won this battle and the general just told us that the Soviet Union and Great-Britain combined with armies from France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands managed to get three other armies away. It's starting to look positive for us now.'

'What's the next plan, sergeant?' I whispered, looking at him while he pushed his helmet with his hand to put it into the right place.

'We are leaving this area and we might either go to Belgium now or we go to another area in France. I heard from the sergeant that the situation in Belgium is like a horror movie right now.'

'Why is that, sergeant?' Sapnap asked.

'There's a snowstorm right now and some armies are out of food and ammunition. They are getting help from other armies right now.'

We nodded quietly. 'Do you have any idea where we are going, sergeant?' I questioned.

'I think we might go to Belgium because a lot of countries are fighting in France and the enemy seems to accept defeat.'

~ Two Days Later ~

The truck drove fast which caused everyone to hold themselves tightly. It was really tense between everyone in the platoon because we were really nervous and scared for what was about to happen.

We already sat in this truck for hours, on our way to Belgium which no one of us genuinely wanted. The situation in Belgium appeared to be terrible. It was snowing really badly, apparently it was extremely cold and the food in the other armies, and the munition, was running out so they really needed other armies to help them.


After hours of sitting in the terrible cold, holding our weapons to make sure we would be ready to shoot if we needed to and fighting against the nerves that rushed through our body, we arrived at the place we would set up our barracks.

We immediately started setting the barracks up because we were leaving straight after they were done.

Everyone helped and it was done within thirty minutes. We ate something when we sat back down in the trucks to go to war again. Only this time it would be ten times as bad as it was the last time...


We spent another hour in the trucks, stepping out a few miles before the war zone. With our hearts beating extremely fast, we started walking in complete silence, constantly looking around if there wasn't anyone near.

When we walked a mile or something like that, we saw other platoons slowly walking back. No one talked and the soldiers in our platoons started asking them for munition and food. They gave everything they had and one man looked at me.

'Good luck...' he whispered. 'It's an absolute hell there, you should retreat before even going there.'

'What's going on there?' I asked as he shrugged.

'Hundreds of our soldiers died, don't go there, they are completely crazy and it's freezing. Don't go there, you don't want it.'

He walked off and I looked at Sapnap with an upset face. 'This is not going to be fun, Sap,' I whispered as he nodded slowly.

'I don't want to go anymore,' he mumbled, putting the extra munition he got in the pockets of his uniform. 'I still have the gun from the first enemy we killed.'

I nodded, tapping my vest. 'Me too. I need to remember that I have that thing because it might come when necessary.'

Sapnap sighed softly. 'I really don't want to go... they looked so traumatised and shocked. We are still smiling now, but I don't think it will be so fun anymore once we get back. Or rather, if we get back...'

'Sapnap, accept it. Accept that your life is already over, then it will only be great if it isn't. Just accept it at this point, okay? You will constantly be scared if you don't, you're dead, it's just a game.'

'Alright,' he whispered. 'Just a game...'

1043 words

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