A promise

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Tyler spotted you dawdling along and looking through shop windows as he marched through town. He'd been heading to meet Jeremy but he stopped. You looked rather sad and he sighed.

"(Y/N)!" He called and hurried over to you.

"Oh. Hi Tyler." You said with a tone of voice that definitely sounded defeated.

"You ok?" He asked and stopped, looking into a cafe window with you. There was a couple eating together and you sighed.

"Yeah. I'm fine." You said though it was not convincing in the slightest.

"Want to tell me what's wrong?" He asked quickly. He glanced at his watch. He had time to make it to meet Jeremy and make sure you were ok. He'd only stop for a moment.

"Well. Everyone had a date to Caroline's valentine party. Except me. Even Jeremy and Matt have dates." You confessed. Tyler sighed and smiled.

"That's it?" He asked. He had been relieved that you weren't going to tell him of some horrifying monster hunting you down or a vampire harassing you.

"That's it! Isn't that enough! Everybody has someone except me. There are vampires that have love that lasts an eternity and I can't even find one person to make me swoon once." You complained. He grinned and glanced around.

"Swoon. I'll catch you." Tyler said playfully.

"You?" You asked as if you hadn't thought about it.

"Well. Yeah. I could go as your date. I admit I won't live as long as a vampire but I'm more fun." Tyler assured you. People bustled by and the two of you started to walk, following the flow of people rushing in and out of shops.

"You would really go with me. To Caroline's party?" You asked and he nodded.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" He said casually. He could see Jeremy up the road waiting for him. When Jeremy spotted him he flagged him down. "I have to go but I'll pick you up before the party. I promise. I'll be there." He assured you as he hurried off. You smiled and waved as he went and before he turned away Tyer was satisfied by the happy hop in your step as you went on your way.

Tyler Lockwood ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now