Inner wolf

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Tyler Lockwood x Reader

Requested by anon​

The chaos around you made your stomach turn. Though it seemed to be contained to your basement you could see that the door was damaged. You tried to think of someone other than Tyler who would be able to help you clean up the mess.

Tyler had told you that you should let him help you. You'd turned him down time and time again. Unfortunately, it was starting to look like he was right. Every full moon things got worse and harder to control. Reluctantly you cleared up what you could on your own, relieved to see that the heavy basement door had kept you in.

You drove up to the Lockwood house. On your way up the drive, you saw Mason heading out. He smiled when he saw you and stopped, waiting for you to park and get out.

"(Y/N). How was your evening?" Mason asked. You rolled your eyes. While Tyler was bothersome about the whole inner wolf thing, Mason was nothing short of a hound.

"Fine." You answered quickly. He was blocking your way towards the house and when you finally manoeuvred past him he hurried after you.

"Oh yeah. Nothing you want me to help you take care of." The way he said take care of was clearly some kind of innuendo but you were too worried about getting the door in your basement replaced and finding out if you got out that you didn't hear him.

"Tyler?" you called out once you reached the hall.

"You know I'm a little more experienced than Tyler. If you need some help." Mason smiled until Tyler appeared in the doorway and leaned against the door frame with folded arms.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked. He stared at Mason who smiled but slowly slinked off outside. You followed Tyler as he beckoned you further into the house. He looked tired. You knew exactly how tired he must have felt. You weren't sure how Mason managed to look so well rested. Though Tyler had once mentioned that Mason often let himself loose to enjoy himself on a full moon.

"So what do you need? You didn't eat anyone?" He was joking you realised as he glanced at you and grinned.

"I almost broke through the basement door. It's getting harder to keep in control." You mumbled.

"So you need my help?" Tyler said with a smile.

"I might." You said and he stood in the middle of the room looking at you expectantly. He had a grin on his face that told you unless you finally caved he wouldn't be helping you. "I would like you to teach me to control my inner werewolf."

"Sure thing. But first, we should replace that door to your basement and check around your neighbourhood that you didn't get out. Then we'll go from there." He spoke quickly, having spotted Mason coming back to bother you. He had hurried you out of the room, through another and out to the garage and into his car before Mason had found either of you.

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