Hot Chocolate

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Tyler x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon​

December event

Request: Hi! Can I request Tyler Lockwood and a female reader plus the prompt Did you drink my hot chocolate? For #December2022

Tyler sighed and rolled his eyes as he heard his name being called. He was in the queue to get hot chocolates from a stall that Caroline was running. They were the most over-the-top, elaborate hot chocolates but he'd smelled the ingredients that Caroline had spent weeks mixing together to get it perfect and he had to get one.

Seeing you at the end of the line he hurried over. "Hey. Can you hold this for me? I have to go and help my mum deal with something. I'll get Caroline to make you one when I get back." Tyler said while rushing off. You shrugged and looked down at the drink he'd shoved in your hands. The marshmallows and toppings were starting to slop down into the cup which was threatening to spill over. Taking a sip to make sure that it didn't drip down your fingers and soak into your gloves you hummed. It really did taste good. No wonder there was such a long line. When Tyler didn't come back and the line had only moved a little you decided that it might be better if you just helped yourself to his drink. You knew Caroline had some backup supplies so it wasn't like she would run out and he couldn't get another one.

You sat and watched the light flurry of snow and people rushing back and forth around the marketplace as they tried to find last-minute gifts at the winter fair.

"Hey!" Tyler called out as he tried to push through the crowd. By the time late afternoon had hit, the place was jam-packed. Food stalls had started prepping for the evening dinner rush and you could see Stefan and Jeremy across the town square helping set up tables under a marque that threatened to collapse under a day's worth of snow.

"Hi!" You greeted. Tyler stopped as he looked at your hands. The cup he'd given you was now empty. The cups were a special pattern and could be reused at any stall for half of a drink. An idea of Bonnie's when everyone helped plan the event at the beginning of November.

"Did you drink my hot chocolate?" Tyler asked as he took the cup from your hand and found that it was empty.

"I was cold and you took ages coming back." You explained and gave Tyler an apologetic look.

"Let's go see if Caroline has any more." Tyler said and motioned for you to follow him as he led the way to the line.

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