Rampant Wolf - Halloween 2021

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Tyler had carried you into the hospital. You were bloody and in pain. When You'd been cleaned up and released from the hospital hours later there was a crowd waiting for you. Tyler had insisted on driving you home but when Bonnie pointed out that you'd bled a lot in the car, Caroline decided she would drive you home and Tyler insisted on coming along.

Since then everyone has been on eggshells around you. Something had infected a few humans and was making them sick. One broke into Elena's house and to defend you both, you shoved them. They stumbled down the stairs and a sickening crack told the two of you, cowering together on the landing, that they had landed at the bottom. Tyler had sat you down after that and had explained what was going to happen. You'd be upset about hurting someone, killing them, even if they were being controlled by someone else and trying to attack you and Elena.

You'd gone to the Lockwood house the day of the next full moon. Elena, Bonnie and Caroline had packed you several bags of things you might need. You felt a little foolish, nervously standing in the foyer of the massive house with enough bags at your feet that you might as well have moved in.

"So do you want to know anything?" Tyler asked as you sat nervously in one room. He'd given you something to drink and now you were just waiting for Tyler to take you somewhere safe.

"Will it hurt? Damon said there will be blood and carnage everywhere?" You asked quickly.

"Oh yes, there will be blood." Tyler said. When you didn't look relieved at what he said, he frowned. "But urm. You'll be ok. I'll be there."

"As a wolf." You pointed out. He winced and shrugged.

"Better than doing it alone. Or hurting someone." He pointed out. He watched you carefully before adding. "But you'll be fine. It isn't like you'll get loose and go on a rampage and Caroline will check in once we've turned."

To this day you maintain that Tyler's words cursed you. You got loose and managed to destroy two cars. According to Damon you almost took his arm off but Stefan maintained that you were nowhere close enough to do that. When Tyler realised how worried you were he decided that you should stay with him for a few months until you had everything under control. He promised to secure the 'wolf lair' as Jeremy had nicknamed it, so that it wouldn't happen again.

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