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Tyler Lockwood x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon

December event

Request: Hello Bon Bon! May I please get Tyler Lockwood with a female reader + I'm throwing a Christmas party and if you don't come I'll be very upset #December2022

Tyler hurried over to you and grabbed your arm. You jumped a little and set the gift basket you'd been looking at back on the shelf. "Tyler? What're you doing here? Are you going to help me with my christmas shopping?"

"I'm throwing a christmas party and if you don't come I will be very upset." Tyler said quickly. You frowned at him and he sighed.

"Klaus said..." He trailed off as he glanced around. "That I have to throw a holiday dinner party and I have to invite everyone. Or else. I don't want to find out what he has in mind for the or else part." Tyler said in a hushed tone.

"Ugh. Dinner with him? I wanted to go to that holiday fair that's a town over with Elena and Bonnie." You complained.

"You understand he'll probably kill us all if we don't do what he wants?" Tyler asked. He frowned at you and glared at a lady who glanced your way having overheard him.

"I'll be there but he's running my holiday experience this year." You muttered and went back to shopping.

"Well, he's ruining my life so thanks for taking a break from your holiday season to help." He was sarcastic when he spoke but you still smiled and told him he was welcome.

"I'll get there early to help." You promised and he hurried off, spotting Matt passing on his way to work.

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