CH12- 𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝

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Tsukishima's POV

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Tsukishima's POV


I ran. I ran as fast as I could in the heavy rain. I didn't care if I would vomit my lungs out. I didn't care if alot of people were judging me. I didn't care about anything or anyone besides [y/n] right now.

I called on a taxi, my breathing was so shallow, my heart felt like it was about to pop out of my chest, rainwater dripping all over my body as I entered the taxi. "MIYAGI PREFECTURE. . . Hah HOSPITAL. . Fast as. . . you. . . can" I said, breathing heavily between my words. There was no time to waste. The taxi driver nodded and did I asked him to. Making sure he was just in the right miles per hour.

Nearly to the hospital, we got into a traffic jam. Groaning loudly, I paid the driver and ran to the hospital as fast as my legs could take me. My legs felt like giving up but I didn't let it stop me. No time should be wasted.

I entered the hospital, shocking everyone in the main lobby as I entered out of breath and wet. A nurse tried to help me but I protested and slapped her hand away by instinct.

"[l/n]. . . [f/n]. . . " I said, between breaths once again. The nurse started typing to search which room [y/n] was in.

"It seems like she's still in the operating room, sir. Newly admitted four hours ago." She said calmly, pointing out where the emergency room was.

I ran and opened countless doors until I finally arrived. Muffled crying was all I heard when I entered the hallway. It was [y/n]'s mom.

"[l-l-l/n]-sama, w-what. . ." I had never stuttered like that in my life, but due to the lack of breath and the fear taking all over my body, it just blurted out. I was trembling furiously, walking up to the crying female. She wiped her tears yet it didn't stop the tears from continuously dropping from her eyes.

"[Y/N] was involved in a hit-and-run. Her body. . . it- it was flowing with blood. She wasn't found till three in the morning. And when I saw her. . . her eyes. . . they were..." She started sobbing and sobbing so hard. ". . . evaporating into. . . stars. I knew I wasn't hallucinating. It was right there in front of my eyes. Everyone else saw it. Now I can't get it off my mind." She started tugging her hair like crazy, crying so hard that it may echo to the main lobby.

My legs gave up. I fell on my knees hard. Tears started to flow from my face. This was so unexpected. I thought. . . our sufferings were over. Was that the aftermath of the disease? Why did she lie that she was alright?

That genuine & calm smile she had as she was watching the newly couples. That bright smile that she had when I finally spoke to her after two months.

It was all an act.

I cried on my knees, grasping it from panic when the sound of the door opening caught my attention. More nurses. They were running with more supplies and to what I assume, bags of blood. They were running like there was no tomorrow. One nurse looked at me with a pity expression before she ran with the others. My head was screaming with possibilities. Why did this have to happen at the best time? We were already okay. Everything was okay. Or so I thought.

Hours passed like days. I was still there, refusing to leave. Mom and Yamaguchi tried to call me but I just ignored their calls. I was in no shape to talk right now. I heard the door open again, I hoped that the surgery was done so I looked up to see my brother on his doctor coat. He works as a pediatrician in this hospital.

"KEI?! Kei! mom was worried sick!" He ran towards me, noticing my clothes were slightly wet. "You caught a fever, Kei. Let's get you a room okay?" He tried to make me stand up but declined.


"Come on Kei you-"

"I SAID NO! I'm staying here till her surgery is done" I shouted. I couldn't help my emotions. I was just so frustrated, so tired, so scared. I just. . . don't want to talk to anyone right now.

Before nii-chan could say anything, the door to the operating room finally opened. Countless of nurses and doctors exited the door with a deep sigh of relief. Me and [y/n]'s mom stood up, walking towards the doctor.

"What happened doc? Was the surgery successful?" [y/n]'s mom blurted out in panic. I could see her hands were trembling so much from panic and so were mine.

The doctor slowly took off his mask and gloves, "Fortunately, we were able to stop the bleeding and replaced some blood. Though she is still in a serious condition which means we would have to put her in the I.C.U till she can fully recover. Let's just hope for the best Mrs. [l/n]."

"But. . . Do you know when will she wake up, doc?"

"Unfortunately, I don't. Only the universe knows. Please excuse me." The doctor bowed to the both of us and left, followed by a group of nurses transporting [y/n]'s unconscious body to the I.C.U. I tried to follow them but I was soon strucked with cough and dizziness, making me fall to my knees.

Cough! Cough! Cough!


Petals. . . ? I'm coughing. . . petals . . ?



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