Chapter 1 An unexpected reunion of friends

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Edited: 3/12/22

Night's POV

Me and my family just got off the plane from America to Japan. After getting out of the airport we drove straight to our new apartment.

Time skip because no one needs an explanation of a short car ride

When we got to the apartment something seemed familiar about the building but couldn't put my finger on it. After getting in and setting up my bed and desk I decided to introduce myself to our new neighbors you know like the half decent person I am. When I knocked on the a shirt brunette answered and recognized me.

"Night?" The short brunette asked and I gave a confused look.

"Do I know you, you seem to know me?" I asked still hella confused.

"It's been awhile so it makes a lot of sense that you don't recognize me." They said with a smile. "It's Haruhi Fujioka."

"Wait Haruhi?" I tried to remember then it came to me. "Wait like my childhood best friend Haruhi Fujioka?"

"Yeah, you probably would've recognized me if my hair was still long." They said to me.

"So why'd you cut your hair?" I asked.

"Some kid hot gum stuck in it before I started high school." They told me. "Wanna come in and have something to drink?" They asked.

"Sure, I hope I don't bother you to much though." Said and they let me.

"Haruhi how is this? A new friend?" They asked Haruhi and I instantly remembered the voice. "I hope they're a new friend you need more friends then just the people in the host club."

"Host club? I didn't know my old best friend was a 'ladies person.'" I teased as if though 7 years never went past.

"I'm not a 'ladies person.' I was forced to join because I broke something of theirs." They said. "Anyway dad this is Night."

"Night? As in Night Sato?" They asked enthusiastically.

"Yes." I answered simply and shortly.

"Well isn't it great to see you again?!" They asked. "Anyway would you like to come in for a drink? Tea, Coffee or water?" They didn't give me an opportunity to answer before putting me into their apartment.

"Neither of you have changed as I can see." I said with a laugh. "Well except for your physical appearance. But who cares about physical appearance?"

"I guess not." She said.

"Neither have Night." Ryouji says. "Though your longer hair is a big improvement from your shorter spiky hair." They comment.

I give them fake hurt expression. "Oh how could you I've been hurt by that comment."

"Anyway where is the rest of your family?" Haruhi asked and I shifted my attention to him.

"My mom and little sister live in the apartment to the left." I said.

"What about your dad?" Ryouji asks me. I instantly tense up and it doesn't get unnoticed. "I'm guessing that might be a sensitive topic so we won't prey." He said calmly.

'I wish I had a dad like that. Not the bitch that calls himself my father.' I think to myself.

"You there?" Haruhi asked waving their hand in my face like in cartoons.

"Yeah sorry just thinking about something." I said with a face smile but it seems like they didn't notice that it was fake. 'Acting skills for the win.' I thought to myself. "Anyway I still need to help my family unpack and I also need to make sure I go to bed at a decent time for school tomorrow." I say getting up.

"What school are you going to?" Haruhi asks me.

"I'm going to Ouran Academy." I stated. "I'll be going to my sophomore year or as it's known here my 2nd year of high school there"

"So that means we can walk to school together tomorrow." He said. "I got into Ouran after middle school so I'll be in the first year class." They stated.

"Alright bye. See you in the morning Haruhi."

"See you in the morning." She called out as I left.

671 words.

A/N: Hello I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you are having a great new year so far. (As I'm writing this A/N it's 1/11/22.) Anyway have a great Morning, Day, Afternoon or Night! Bye!

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