Chapter 7 He sleeps over

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After a day at the host club Tamaki drove me and Haruhi home and walked with me to my apartment.

When I open the apartment door I get hugged by my little sister. "Is mom home yet?" I asked her.

"No, she said she was working overtime today and you have to make dinner." She told me. "Who's this guy?" Luna asked.

"Oh this a friend Tamaki." I told her. "Wait are we friends or dating now?" I asked him.

"I thought we were dating, we kissed each other." He said.

"Eww you kissed?" She said. "Kissing is gross." She said. "At least you haven't done it with tongue yet right?" She asked.

"No we haven't and don't ask personally question like that, it's very uncomfortable." I told her.

"Sorry just go to your room and be with your boyfriend, you two can spend some time alone together." She said. "I'm guess in that school you don't get much privacy in that school full of spoiled rich kids." She said.

Tamaki's jaw dropped. "Your little sisters mean." He said.

"Well you're my spoiled rich kid." I told him kissing his cheek.

"Get a room." She said. "I'm gonna go throw up from your guy's cheesiness." She said right after.

"We will, thanks for the suggestion." I said walking Tamaki to my room.

"That was..... something." He said.

"Yeah, she is like this with any friends of mine she meets." I said. "Nice running to me hugging my legs and being salty when she sees my friend or in this case boyfriend." I told him.

"So this is normal?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered. "Though you will grow on her eventually." I told him. "I have 2 things I wanted to make for dinner and I'll let you choose." I told him. "Spaghetti or homemade mac & cheese." I said.

"I'm curious how the mac $ cheese will taste so that." He said.

"Ok would you like to help me make it when I cook dinner?" I asked him.

"Sure." He said. "What do you want to do in the meantime." He asks me.

"Cuddle and watch a movie on my computer?" I asked. "I have mostly musicals like Momma Mia and the rock horror picture show." I said. "Though on Disney+ they have Hamilton and the greatest showman." I told him.

"I've wanted Hamilton in person so not that, maybe Mamma Mia then." He said.

"Ok I'll put it in." I told him. "If you couldn't tell I really like musicals." I told him.

"Well you do you to Ouran because of your music and acting/drama skills." He said.

"Yeah, now pay attention to the movie or you'll miss my favorite songs." I said.

Over and hour later after Momma Mia

"I'M HOME KIDS!" My mom shouted.

"Great this'll be embarrassing." I told myself.

When my mom opens the door to my room she see's me cuddling Tamaki with him on my lap and his head and back on my chest.

"Well is this the guy who's staying the night." My mom asked.

"Yes this is Tamaki my handsome boyfriend." I told her as I kissed Tamaki's cheek.

"Ok well you need to start on dinner soon it's almost 6:30." She told me.

"Ok I will." I told her. "Come on let's start on the food." I told Tamaki. "Or you can just stay in here and watch another movie." I said and he nodded his head slowly looking at the computer watching the greatest showman with all his focus on the screen. 'Damn he's so cute.' I thought before going to make dinner.

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