Chapter 12 LANGUAGE!

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Night's POV

I woke up with me and Tamaki in each other's arms. He looked so peaceful sleep but then he woke up out of no where. "Good afternoon Tama, how was your nap?" I asked him.

"It was amazing, I had a dream we kissed." He told me.

"Well that dream can become reality." I say before kissing him. "You're adorable, you know that?" I asked him.

"I've been told that a few times." He told me. "You're hot, anyone ever tell you that?" He asked.

"Yeah a few girls in the host club." I say and start to laugh to his face. "Kidding, well kinda." I say to him.

"Yes very funny, now kiss me." He said pulling me into another kiss.

"I kissed a boy and I liked it." I say after we pull away.

"Quoting Katy Perry? Well with girl with boy?" He asked.

"Music references are my specialty." I told him. "Maybe I should do another performance in the host club soon." I say myself not realizing Tamaki's face lighting up.

"Yes. Maybe we can do the week after next week." He said. "Kyoya will make people pay to see it obviously but I'd pay to listen to you sing." Told me.

"I'm fine with that, just don't get jealous when I become the most famous host." I tell him. "I heard you get jealous easily." I said referring to earlier today.

"..." he stayed silent.

"You know it was a joke right?" I asked him.

"..." no answer again.

"Oh that's how it's gonna be ok then, get over here. I'm gonna have to kiss you all over your face won't I?" I say to him.

He starts laughing. "Alright, alright stop." He said while laughing.

When the laughing died down I  started to speak. "You know I was joking right?" I ask him.

"I didn't think it was funny." He said pouting,

"You're cute when you're pouty." I say to him.

"I'm not cute, I'm a tiger people fear." He stated.

"Sure and I'm straight." I joke.

"Wait if you're straight why are you dating me?" He asked confused.

"It's a joke. What I meant by it is I'm not straight and you aren't someone people fear." I say to him.

"Ok, wait people do fear me." He said back to me.

"Only because of your huge fan club of crazy girls. People only fear because if they do something to you those girls will go crazy." I say back to him.

"Wait is that true?" Tamaki asked.

"When the rumor about bout me having a crush on you was spread around school, they were the first people to confront me. Of course at the time I didn't know I liked you so I said no, actually even if I knew I would say no to not get on their bad side." I explained to him.

"Is that really how scary my fan club can be?" He asked.

"Yes, yes it is." I answer him.

"Why do you like me, like what do you like about me?" He asked me.

"Where should I start?" I ask myself. "You have a good sense of humor, you have a lot of charm, you have the funniest look on your face when you're being dramatic and I normal don't include physical looks but you have beautiful blonde hair and amazing violet eyes." I say.

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