Chapter 15 Greek gods and a migraine

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Night's POV

We were in the host club room trying to come up with ideas for out next special day. We kept throwing around ideas.

"Tropical Paradise." Honestly suggested.

"Already did that one." Kyoya said.

"Tuxedo." Haruhi said.

"We already wear blazers all day so it wouldn't be that different." I said.

"You have any better ideas." Haruhi asked.

"I do infact." I told him. "Greek mythos." I suggested.

"That's not a bad idea." Kyoya said.

"Of course it is. My boyfriend came up with it after all." Tamaki said jumping from place to place in the room.

"Any of ideas of who could dress up as who?" Haruhi asked.

"I have a few." I said. "Tama should be Zeus because he's the king of the gods, Haruhi or Ootori as Athena because they're the smartest and the Twins as Artemis and Apollo." I told them.

"Why one of the twins as Artemis? They're both guys." Honey said.

"You've known Haruhi long enough to know gender doesn't matter." I said.

"But Artemis hates men." Haruhi said.

"Crap, forgot about that." I mumbled. "How about Apollo and Hyacinth? They were boyfriends and that goes good with their whole thing in the host club." I suggested.

"Sounds fine to me." They said at the same time.

"What about you, Honey-Senpai and Mori-Senpai?" Tamaki asked.

"Maybe Honey-Senpai as Heracles and Mori-Senpai and Chiron because of their dynamic together?" I suggested kinda unsure with the shitty reasoning.

"And what about Kyo-Chan and Haru-Chan if one or both of them don't decide to be Athena?" Honey asked.

"So you're fine with the suggestion?" I asked and they nodded. "Alright, so for Ootori if he doesn't decide to be Athena maybe Hermes, Thanatos or Hades and for Haruhi I can't think of any others." I said.

"I'm fine with Athena." Haruhi said.

"I'll be Hades then." Kyoya said.

"But who are you gonna be?" Tamaki asked.

"You're gonna be Zeus right?" I asked and he nodded quickly. "Then I'll be Hera his wife." I said.

"The king and queen of the gods. That makes sense." Haruhi said.

"Because people call gay guys queens or because we're dating?" I asked.

"Both." They answered.

"What about me?" Renge asked. "I wanna be a goddess." She said.

"I think you'd be good as Aphrodite the goddess of love." I said.

"That's perfect for me!" She yelled.

"All we need to do is order the costumes and we'll do that idea tomorrow." Tamaki said.

"So we all agree on the costumes and theme?" I asked.

"Yep!" Everyone yelled or just said normally.

"Great, now we can all go back home." I said. "See you tomorrow Tama." I told him kissing his cheek then walking away. "Come on Haruhi or I'll leave you behind!" I yelled not turning around.

"Wait! I wanna come with you!" Tamaki yelled.

"Fine, but you can only stay till after dinner." I told him.

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