Chapter 6 Haruhi play cupid pt.2

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Night's POV

It's the end of class and time to go to the host club. If I'd said I'm nervous that's an understatement. Not only is he likely gonna but I'm gonna say yes. I just need to calm down. But how am I gonna say yes?! Kiss him on the lips? Just say yes? Nod? 'Fuck I never knew a man can make me feel this nervous.' I yell to myself in my head.

I start walking to the club room a different way because I don't want to have to face him till I get to the club room.

When I get to the club room I reluctantly open the door and see Tamaki alone in there.

"Um... you wanted to talk with me?" I asked very quietly. 'I'm acting like I'm one of his fans.' I thought to myself disappointed for my shyness.

"Yeah I wanted to tell you something I need to get off my chest." He said. "I know you probably don't feel the same but I like you, like I have a crush on you and I just need you to give me an answer." He said quickly.

"I expected this when Haruhi told me you wanted to talk to me." I said.

"So what is your answer?" I asked.

I lean down and kisses him on the lips softly with love. "Does that answer your question?" I asked softly.

"I think I need another one to make sure the answer was right." He said.

I kisssed him again. "So is the message delivery or do I need to say it?" I asked him.

"I'd like to hear you say it as well." He told me.

"Ok here it goes, I like you Tamaki Suoh and didn't realize till today." I told him.

"You do?" He asked and kisses my cheek. "I'm so happy I was convinced you didn't have any romantic feelings for me." He said.

I look in the corner of my eye to see the other host behind the door. "Hold on a second." I said grumpily walking to the door. "What do you think you 6 are doing?" I asked the other host.

One of the twins had a camera In their hand. "Oh nothing just walking to the school garden." One of the twins said I think it was Kaoru.

"Yeah no you don't hand over the camera and get in the club room." I said with anger in my voice.

"YES SIR!" Haruhi, Hikaru, Kaoru and Honey say.

"You have no idea what type of trouble you're in." I said.

We walk into the club room with Tamaki spaced out.

"Tamaki snap out of it." I said snapping my fingers.

"Yes I'm here!" He yelled. "What happened?" He asked innocently.

"There people watched you confess to me and recorded it." I said still very angry. "I want to give them all punishments for recording us and spying on us." I told him.

"What?!" He screamed. "What did you have in mind?" He asked.

"For Honey no sweets for 2 days on while in the club room, Kyoya can't adding to Haruhi's det for a week, Haruhi has you to act nice to the twin when they any them for a week only in the club room, Hikaru and Kaoru have to spend 2 club activities away for each other so Haruhi's starts after that and Mori has be away from Honey for the 2 days he can't eat sweets." I said.

They all looked at me sadly. "Isn't that a bit extreme for recording a video?" Hikaru asked.

"Yeah you can just delete the video and it will be gone." Kaoru said.

"Oh yeah I'm also deleting it but the reason for the punishment is not respecting someone's privacy when talking to someone about something personal." I told them. "Now we all have a club to get ready for so you're punishments start now except Haruhi's because the twins can bother him together." I said.

"Don't you think you went to hard on them?" Tamaki asked.

"Honestly no, I don't." I told him. "Privacy is something I hold close to me when it comes to personal stuff like what you told me." I explained.

"I get it so the punishments are for you to get back at them for ruining the moment?" I asked unsure about the last part.

"Exactly, the disrespected a personal moment for us and now the are being punished for it, glad you understand." I said the last part passive aggressively.

"Ok let's get this club opened!" Tamaki yelled.

"You're cute you know that?" I asked him.

"I've been called that a few times." He says. "But I'd rather you call me that." He said to me.

"I'd like to start the club now." I told him. "Maybe after the club you can spend the night at my house?" I asked.

"I'll ask my dad, luckily today is Friday so he might say yes." He told me. "You ask if I can spend the night ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll ask my mom and if she says yes you get to meet my little sister." I told him.

"Wait you have a little sister?" He asked me.

"Yeah her name is Luna." I told him. "Anyway I'll message my mom while you message your dad." I told him. "And DON'T then the other host, I don't want them to spend the night either." I told him.

He nodded his head. "I won't tell a soul." He stated. "Maybe we can do things together when we get there." He said.

"Ok slow down, you confessed just a few minutes ago, I'm not have sex with you yet." I told him.

"Wait you said 'yet' which mean you have sexual attention to me." He said.

"Just shut up you dork and get behind the couch and I'll stand beside you and when you're with your clients I'll join you." I told him.

"Don't change the subject." He said. "Just answer yes or no." He said.

"All answers will be revealed soon." I said in a mystic voice. "So drop it." I said in my normal voice.

"You're just being rude." He said puffing out his cheeks.

I kiss his nose. "No you're just really adorable when you're salty." I told him.

"GET A ROOM!" I heard the twins scream from 2 different sides of the room.

"Ok let me at them." I said and Mori pulled me back. "No fair." I grumble. "Wait, when did you get behind me?" I asked turning to him.

"By the well." He said pointing to a spot close to us.

"Ok now finely let's start this." I said. "My mom said yes by the way." I whisper to Tamaki.

"Great I'll take you and Haruhi home today." He told me and we walked to the couch.

Started: 1/16/22

Ended: 1/17/22

A/n: Ok so I didn't expect it to go this fast so it's because a week after from chapter 2,3 and 4. Anyway I hope you enjoyed now signing out

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