Charpter 3 First day pt.2

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Night's POV

Me and Tamaki got to class and I had too stay outside the room so the teacher can introduce me.

"Ok class today we have a new student with us." She said though it was a little muffled behind the door. "Come on in Night."

I opened the door and walked in front of the class. "Hi I'm Night Sato, nice to meet all of you." I said before I gave a sweet smile. Then the girls started. What's called? Fangirling? Yeah that's it.

"Anyone have any questions for him?" The teacher asked. After she asked most of the class put up a hand. "Ok Night you can pick people who have their hand up." She said.

"Ok." I responded then looked around the room. "Girl with ginger hair in a braid." I said pointing at her.

"Why aren't you wearing a school uniform if you go to Oraun?" She asked.

"Well I couldn't afford the school uniform." I answered. "Guy with black hair and green eyes." I said pointing to the guy.

"If you couldn't afford a school uniform how did you get into Oraun?" He asked. "The uniform is cheaper then the school entry payment." He said right after.

"I got into Oraun on a scholarship." I answered. "Suoh." I pointed to him

"What is the scholarship?" He asked.

"I got in with two scholarships, one of music and one of acting/drama." I answered. "Guy with black hair and glasses." I said pointing to him.

"What county did you move from?" He asked.

"I moved from the US after living there for a little over 7 years." I answered. I was starting too get overwhelmed. "Should we stop with the questions and start with class?" I asked looking at the teacher.

"Yes, go sit next to Tamaki." She said and I walked over. "First subject is math." She stated. "Turn to page 154 in your math book."

Time skip to after class before lunch

The bell rang too signal the end of class before lunch. "Night are you gonna come eat lunch with us?" Tamaki asked with sad eyes.

"I guess so, but who else is sitting with us?" I asked. 'Maybe Haruhi? They seem too be good friends. Though I think they just tolerates him.' I thought to myself.

"Me and my club." He said. "I'm the leader of my own club did you know that?!" He asked screaming in my face.

"No I didn't." I said. "Anyway can you please not scream in my face?" I asked him nicely. "that hurt my ears a bit." I said and he went to a corner in the room a little bit sad.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." He muttered quietly but loud enough so I'd hear.

"I'm fine Suoh, I know you didn't mean to." I said in a comforting voice while patting his back.

He got up a switched moods like someone flicked a light switch. "Alright let's go!" He said grabbing my wrist with the guy with black hair a glasses following beside him.

We walk into the lunch room and I see Haruhi surrounded by 4 people in the masculine uniforms. "Hi Haruhi, how was your day so far?" I asked as I sat beside him. The people just glared at me. I don't know why.

"It was a normal day." She said. "It seems like you're still sticking with Tamaki-Senpai and met Kyoya-Senpai." She said looking at the two behind me.

"Yeah I have the same class as Suoh." I said. "Though I have no idea who the hell the guy that came with us is." I said looking at said person.

"Well I'm Kyoya Ootori, no need too introduce yourself I already have your file pulled up." He said looking at his laptop.

"Ok well who are these people beside you?" I asked Haruhi.

"Oh these are members of the host club I'm in." She said. "This is Mistukni Haninozuka but we call him Honey-Senpai, this is Takashi Morinozuka but we call him Mori-Senpai and these two are Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin." He introduced each host and pointed to each.

"Nice to meet you all I'm Night Sato, I've been friends with Haruhi since we were 3 but had too move 7 years ago and moved back yesterday." I introduced myself hoping my explanation will make them giving me an evil glare.

"Nice you meet you N-Chan, want to half this strawberry cake?" The short blonde asked. "Though I want the strawberry, you don't mind if I have it right?" He asked.

'Is he even a teenager yet? He looks 9' I thought to myself. "I don't mind Honey-Senpai." I said giving him a happy smile.

"Yay!" He exclaimed. "Haru-Chan your friend is ok in my book." He said to Haruhi.

"Yeah" the talk black haired guy said in a monotone voice.

"I don't trust him." One of the twins said.

"Yeah last time when met one of your guy friends from your past he had a crush on you." The other twin with a slightly higher voice said.

"That won't be an issue, I don't have and romantic what identity as a woman wether they identify as a woman all or only some times." I said. They all went silent and I got very nervous.

"You have a crush on anyone at this table?" The twins asked in sync with a teasing tone.

"As if, I don't care about physical looks I need to know the person because I decided if I like them." I said.

"That was so deep, I think I might cry." Tamaki said with a tear in his eye.

"I'm the same physical appearance means nothing to me wether it's how I look or the people I fall in love with." Haruhi said.

"Honestly I prefer to wear feminine clothes then masculine clothes but my mom said it wouldn't be a good idea at school." I said.

Then the bell rung again for the end of lunch and back to class

Time skip to after class

"NIIIIGHT!" I heard someone scream. "I had an amazing idea." Tamaki said. "You should join the host club." He stated.

"And have a bunch of women all over me?" I asked. "Yeah no thanks." I told him.

Then he grabbed my wrist. "Please at least try?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

'Oh my, why does he have to be so cute.' I thought. 'Wait what am I even saying I met him a few hours ago.' I thought. "Fine." I grumbled. "But just for today, unless afterwards I decide I want too stay for hell knows what reason." I said.

"Good enough for me!" He exclaimed. "Let's go Kyoya and Night!" He said.

'This'll be fuuuun.' I thought to myself sarcastically.

1143 words

Date started : 1/13/22 (think)

Date finished: 1/14/22

A/N: hi there thanks to anyone who is reading this. If you are I'm surprised you are... This book sucks but it's the best I've got so I'm gonna finish it. If you have any constructive criticism just DM me and please don't be to harsh

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