Chapter 11 Getting closer

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Night's POV

After dropping off Haruhi and getting my stuff me and Tamaki leave.

When we get to his house and I open the door to the car then close it when I see something running up to the car.

"Nope staying in here for now." I say to Tamaki.

"Why?" He asks me.

"I have a... fear of dogs..." I tell him embarrassing I have the fear.

"Really? I didn't know. Sorry about that." He tells me.

"It's fine, it's not like I told you about it and you forgot." I say to him.

"Ok well I'll go put her up and we can go in together after alright?" He asked. I just nodded my head. "See you soon babe." He said.

"So you soon." I said still in the car. 'I love that man.' I think to myself.

A few minutes later he comes back and I get out clinging to his arm. "Someone miss me?" He asked.

"Shut up and let's go to your room." I tell him. "I don't understand how you were jealous of those girls, it's not like I'd date any of them, I love you and you are the only one for me." I tell him.

"I know, it's just they were obviously trying to flirt with you and it's hard watching them flirt with my boyfriend." He says.

"Tama look at me I need to tell you something." I tell him and he looks at me. "Tamaki I don't know how y'all react but... I'm gay." I say then laugh at how his face looked.


"Tama don't yell that so loud we are still outside and at your place." I tell him. He just looked away from me with his cheeks puffed out. "Stop being so dramatic and let's get inside." I tell him pulling the collar of his uniform.

"Let me got." He said hitting my hand.

I kiss him on the cheek but not before checking no one's able to see. "Better?" I asked and he nodded. "Great, now show me to your room." I tell him and grabs my wrist.

When we get to his room I look in aww. "We are sharing my bed." He told me. "Unless you want to sleep on the couch." He said.

"I'm fine with sharing the bed." I told him then kissed him. "Only if you're fine with it." I said to him.

"P-perfectly fine with that." He stuttered while blushing.

"I can make you blush easily." I say to him. "It's cute." I whisper in his ear.

"Oh daddy." He says. "I didn't mean to say that." He said cupping his mouth.

I start laughing. "I love you Tama." I tell him.

"I love you to Night." He tells me. "But why do you like embarrassing me?" He asks.

"Something about your reaction is so cute." I say to him. I hug him and feel something on my leg near his private area. "You have a little friend down there." I say to him. "Want me to help you with that?" I ask him with a seductive tone.

"Yes please." He says.

Start of smut/lemon

I get down on my knees and unbutton his pants then open the zipper with my teeth. "Tell me when you're ready." I tell him.

"I'm ready." He says and I grin then pull his pants and underwear down and lick the tip of his dick.

"Like that?" I ask and he nods. "Good cause there's more gonna be more." I say to him.

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