Chatper 16 hot shockolate

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Night's POV

I opened the door and walked in.

"I'll make you'll some hot chocolate." I told them.

"I didn't know you could make that." Tamaki said. "How do commeners get cocoa beans from?" He asked. "I'll help you get them." He told me.

"How do you make hot chocolate? We just use some powder and mix it with hot water." I told him.

"What?! You only have to use powder and hot water?!" He shouted.

"Yeah, that's how everyone makes it." I told him.

"They make coffee a different way." Haruhi said.

"Yes! Instant coffee is amazing!" Tamaki yelled.

"I prefer those little cup thinks that you put in the machine, it's faster then a coffee pot." I said.

"Those are a thing?" Kaoru asked.

"It sounds really weird." Hikaru said.

"That's because you grind your coffee as where mine is done in like a minute." I told them.

"That's not the only thing we grind." Tamaki whispered in my ear.

"Don't say that stuff in front of our friends." I told him.

"I'll them all what I said!" He yelled.

"Tamaki, I swear to what, if you tell them no cuddling for a week." I said.

"I said tha-" He started but I cut him off by putting my hands on his mouth.

"He said something you don't want or need to know." I told them. "I'll just Take Tama with he while you guys just talk." I said pulling on Tamaki's ear.

We got to the kitchen and I started boiling the water.

"You didn't have to pull me ear." Tamaki whined.

"I don't want our friends somehow find out we fucked." I told him.

"Why? Are you embarrassed we had sex?" He asked.

"No, it was the best time of my life, I just don't like people know I lost my virginity." I told him.

"So you'd do it again?" He asked.

"Definitely, just not while people are here." I said.

"Not even if anyone can't see us?" He asked.

"Just because they can't see us doing mean they won't hear us." I told him. "Well, more like you then me." I said.

"You don't have to add that." He said grumpily.

"Is my teddy bear grumpy?" I asked him in the voice you use while talking to a baby.

"Teddy bear?" He asked while starting to blush.

"You have that little teddy bear and a pencil with a teddy bear head on it." I told him. "You can also be very protective." I added.

Tamaki walked out for a few seconds so I followed him.

"Does everyone see me as a 'protective' person?" He asked them.

"Definitely." Everyone agreed.

Tamaki went to the corner and started shredding paper with his hand.

"And up you go." I said picking him up and putting his legs on each side of me and his arms rapped around my neck.

"Let me go!" He shouted.

"Stop being so dramatic." I told him.

"I'm not dramatic." He said clinging onto me.

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