Chapter 18 Past parent problem

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Warnings!: Verbal abuse, violence, gunshot and lots of yelled

Night's POV

It's been 2 weeks since the incident with the Lobelia girls and Tamaki wasn't acting as his normal self. He seemed more cautious when talking to me and I was getting kinda worried.

I decided instead of talking to him about it and see what was wrong I decided to talk to my best friend Haruhi about.

Me and him were walking home in silence till we heard a noise from a bush. "What was that?" She asked.

"How should I know? Aren't you the smart one?" I asked them.

"That doesn't mean I know everything." She said.

"I'll look at it." I said. I walked over to the bush and it moved more. I slowly pulled the bush apart then immediately stepped back and fell.

"What was it?" He asked.

"We need to leave immediately." I said getting up and running home.

I heard Haruhi and someone else running behind me while I was crying and running.

"Night, what's wrong?!" Haruhi asked.

"I'll tell you when we get to our place's." I told them.

We kept running and soon made it to our apartments. I opened mine quickly and let Haruhi in then locked the door out of breath.

"Who the fuck was that?!" Haruhi shouted.

"Come out here Night! I just want to talk to me lovely son!" I heard the person on the other side of the door yell.

"That's who." I huffed out.

"I heard yelling, is everything ok?" Luna asked walking in.

"Definitely not. He's back." I told her.

Her face had fear written all over it when I said that.

"Wh-what do we d-do?" She asked.

"I'll call the cops then mom." I said taking my phone out of my pocket and calling 911 ( idk if it's a different number in Japan and am to lazy to look it up).

After calling the cops and Night's mom

I just got off the phone with my mom and the banging on the door just got louder and louder.

"We should get somewhere safer then the living room." Haruhi said.

"My mom's room has a bathroom in it so we can go there." I said.

We all walked to my mom's room and locked the door to it then my phone rang.

I got my phone out again and answered the call. "Night! I want you to come over! I'm not taking no for an answer!" I heard Tamaki yell from the other side of the phone.

"I can't right now." I told him still crying.

"Are you crying? Why are you crying?" He asked in a serious and worried tone.

"I'll tell you later when this all is over." I told him and hung up.

"Why didn't you tell him you're dad was here?" Haruhi asked.

"Because I don't want him to worry but I guess it's to late for that." I said wiping my eyes for the 50th time. "I'll tell you and him why I reacted like that when we know we're safe." I told him.

Suddenly we heard the front door bust down. "Night! Luna! Madison! Come out and play!" My so called dad yelled.

"That doesn't sound the the James I remember." Haruhi said.

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