Chapter 4 First day pt.3

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Night's POV

We get to a door that says "music room 3" and Tamaki opens the door to what I assume is the club room.

When we get in I see Haruhi at a table and the twins bothering him and Honey-Senpai and Mori-Senpai at another table with Honey-senpai eating cake.

"Oh look it's N-Chan!" Honey said. "Are you joining the host club?" He asked.

"I'm not sure yet, Suoh said he wanted me give it a try and if I like it I'll stay." I said crouching to his height. "Anyway how do I do this hosting thing?" I asked looking at Tamaki.

"We'll all you need is natural charm and act the the girl as you would the woman you love, well I'm your case the man you love." He said.

"So treat the women with love and compassion?" I asked. He nodded. "Ok I'll try it." I said.

"Really?!" Tamaki asked I just nod. "Thank you Night!" He said hugging me.

"Ok but stop hugging me, you're suffocating me." I said.

"Right sorry." He apologized. "Today's theme for the host club is Colors we're wearing the colors of our roses." Tamaki said.

I thought for a second then it came to me. "Where is the costumes?" I asked with a excited tone.

"In the the changing room." He pointed to the changing room.

"Thank you." I said walking to the changing room seeing a few boxes. "Hey Haruhi mind telling me the color you already have?" I asked her.

"Yeah we have Red, White, Light Blue, Orange, Purple, Dark Blue and Pink." They said.

"Ok so I think I found a good outfit and a rose color too Match it." I said. "Ok but I need you to go see I can reveal it to everyone at once." I explained. She just nodded and left.

I put a pair of dress pants, a white long sleeve button up shirt, a vest, a tie and black dress shoes and walked into the room.

I came out with the tie, dress pants and the vest all the color yellow. "I chose yellow be I like the color and it wasn't taken." I said. "How does it look?" I asked.

"I think it looks nice the yellow looks good with the purple in your hair." Haruhi said. "Shouldn't we get ready?" He asked.

"Right! Host in your spots!" Tamaki yelled. "Night can stand between me and Haruhi." He said. "Kyoya please go get a yellow rose for him to hold."

"On it." He said leaving the room.

"So we just wait here for a person to walk in?" I ask.

"Yes exactly." Tamaki said. "But the club doesn't start till 3:30 and it's only 3:20 so we just wait for 10 minutes." He said.

I let my arms lay on the back of the couch. "So is there anything you do while you normally wait?" I ask. "This silence is very uncomfortable." I said.

Just as I said that I heard some sort of machine mottled. "Hahaha." A famine voise said after. There was a person on a platform. "Before we let the club open we need to choose what his type is." The person on the platform. They has dirty blonde hair with a big bow in their hair and the feminine school uniform on.

"Type?" I asked hella confused.

"Everyone in the host club has a type connected from their personality and the things they do." The person said. "He have Tamaki the princely type, Honey-senpai the boy lolita type, Mori-senpai the strong and silent type, the twin who are the Mischievous type and Kyoya is...." They paused. "Where's Kyoya?" They asked.

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