Chapter 9 The talent show pt.2

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Night's POV

I walk on stage and see all the girls staring at me and I also see Tamaki give me a thumbs up. I suddenly feel a lot of stress but that all goes away when I stand in front of the microphone.

True colors

"You with the sad eyes." I sung the first lyric.

"Don't be discouraged. Oh I realized it's hard to take courage." I sung with a calming.

"In a world full of people, you can loose sight in it all. And darkness still inside you make you fell so small." I sung getting ready for the more emotional part.

"But I see your true colors shining through. I see your true colors and that's why I love you. So don't be afraid to let them show, your true colors, true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow." I sung then stopped and wait for the time to start again.

"Show me a smile then. Don't be unhappy, can't remember when I last saw you laughing. If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bare, you call me up because you know I'll be there." I sung going into the chorus.

"And I see your true colors shining through, I see your true colors and that's why I love you. So don't be afraid! To let them show. Your true colors, true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow." I sung the chorus and stopped for a bit till I needed to again.

"(Can't remember when I last saw you laughing)" I sung a little bit quieter.

"If this world make you crazy and you've taken all you can bear, you call me up you know I'll be there." I sung the next verse.

"And I'll see your true colors shining through.
I see your true colors and that's why I love you. So don't be afraid! To let them show, your true colors, true colors are beautiful like a rainbow. I see your true colors shining through. I see your true colors and that's why I love you. So don't be afraid! To let them show. Your true colors, true colors, true colors. Are beautiful like a rainbow." I sung the last chorus.

When I look back I see everyone clapping and standing up. "Thanks for watching us all preform and I hope you all have a wonderful day, but host club hours are now over. Though we will see you all tomorrow." I said and the girls left.

"That was amazing N-Chan." Honey said.

"Thank you honey senpai. I can't sing more today, that took a lot out of my breath." I said.
"To be honest I wasn't sure if I would have the confidence to do this." I told them all.

"You did perfect." Tamaki said kissing my cheek and hugging me tightly.

"Thanks, but if you keep on hugging me so tightly I might faint." I told him.

"Right, sorry about that." Tamaki said rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't know you has such an amazing voice." I said fanning over my singing.

"It's fine babe and yes I do have a good singing voice. Did you doubt that I didn't?" I asked him.

"N-no I just didn't expect it to be that good." He told me.

"I know just teasing you." I told him. "How about we all go to a restaurant today?" I asked.

"Sure, my dad doesn't get back till around 10 so I can spend some time with you all." Haruhi said.

Time skip to at the restaurant

Everyone one else agreed to come so we got a table of 8 at Olive Garden. I sat on the edge of the table with Tamaki beside me hugging my arm I didn't mind it, it was kinda cute.

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