Chapter 13 Our first date pt.1

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Night's POV

I woke to yet again me cuddling Tamaki against my chest. 'He looks so peaceful but I have to wake him up. I already have it all planned out.' I think to myself. "Tama it's time to wake up, we have a date today." I tell him while shaking him gently.

"5 more years." He mumbled tiredly.

"No, now." I say in a demanding tone.

"I'll get up later, maybe around 30 more minutes?" He asked.

"Fine, you're lucky I'm in a good mood or I'd pull the blanket off you." I told him.

"Just shut up and sleep." He mumbled grumpily.

"Ok." Is all I say before pulling him closer to me and falling asleep.

2 hours later

I wake up again and see Tamaki asleep peacefully. "The sun was barely up when we went back to sleep, what time is it?" I ask myself and look at my phone. "Shit we won't be able to do everything I planned." I say to myself seeing it's 8:30 and we were supposed to leave around 6:30. "Tama wake up, we won't be able to do everything I planned but we can still do some of it." I say waking him up.

"What time is it?" He asks.

"8:30." I responded to him.

"Oh, let's get ready then." He says.

"I'll get the clothes I picked out for and then put mine on." I tell him.

"Alright, just put them on the bed then go change in the bathroom." He tells me.

"Oh I forgot something." I say to him.

"What's that?" He asks.

"This." I say before kissing him. "Now I'll go change." I say leaving a blushing Tamaki behind me. I walk back in because I couldn't find any ibuprofen. "Hey Tama do you have any ibuprofen?" I ask him when exiting the bathroom with only underwear on and him also with only his underwear on.

"Yeah check in my school bag." He said pointing to it on the ground.

I go looking in his school bad and see a picture of me and him that we took a few days ago. "I'm guess you like this picture?" I ask him.

"Oh that, yeah I do. I like to leave it in there and look at it when you're not with me." He says.

"That's cute Tama. Found it!" I say.

"Ok, now get ready." He told me.

"I need a drink first." I say.

"I'll order one of the maids to get you a drink while you get ready. Wait what drink would you like?" He said then asked me something else.

"Any kind of Orange soda." I say to him.

"Alright I'll message the kitchen staff to get you some." He says.

"Thank you Tama." I say and kiss his cheek.

"Anything for the best boyfriend in the world." He says.

"Highly doubt I'm the best boyfriend in the world but I'd say I'm a decent boyfriend." I say. "I'm now getting ready, tell me when the drink comes." I tell him.

"Got it now really get ready, you planned everything so I have to wait for you." He said.

It wasn't wrong he has no idea what is gonna happen.

Then I walk into the bathroom and get ready.

Tamaki's POV

When the orange soda got here I open the bathroom door and see Night in a nice tuxedo though I only saw the back of him.

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