Chapter 10 The jealous host king

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Night's POV

I got woken up by the alarm on my phone like normal and went to my dresser and picked out an outfit. Nothing special just a black Panic! At the disco shirt and some light gray sweat pants.

I went to the kitchen and made some toast then saw my mom forgot to feed our cat before she went to work so I had to feed them.

After I got everything ready I opened the door to see Haruhi about to knock on the door but instead of knocking on the now opened door they knocked on my forehead.

"Good morning to you to." I said to him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to." She told me.

"It's fine, let's go now. If we leave any later we'll be late." I told them.

"Alright, are you able to spend the night at Tamaki-senpai's house tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah, he messaged me last night telling me his dad said I could." I told him. "He said we'll drop by my house to get the extra clothes I packed."

"Can you drop me off at the apartments after school then?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll ask Tamaki and tell you what he says at lunch." I told her.

"Thanks, looks like we're here already." He said. "See at lunch." Haruhi told me.

"See you there." I said.

I walked into the classroom and everyone was looking at me.

I walk over to Tamaki. "Tama do you know why everyone's looking at me?" I asked him.

"Some of the girls started recording when you were singing yesterday and it's gotten around school pretty quickly." He told me.

"Oh, wait people recorded me singing and posted the videos online?" I asked and he nodded. "So people are gonna be looking at me all day, great just awesome I'm not gonna be able to focus with people watching my every move." I told him.

"You'll get used to it." He told me patting my back.

"You talk from experience?" I asked him and he nodded. "I might have a lot of guest at the host club knowing how obsessive the girls at this school can be." I told him.

"At least you get to spend that night at my house." He told me.

"That gives me something to look forward to." I said. "Right about that, can we drop off Haruhi at the apartments?" I asked him.

"Sure, as long as she doesn't want to come to my house. I want to spend time with you and only you." He told me.

"Ok, I'll tell them at lunch." I said right before the bell rang.

After class at lunch

"Great now more people are staring at me." I say with my head on the lunch table. "I shouldn't have sung in front of people yesterday, now it's all over school and I've been stared at all day." I tell them.

"School fame just grows on you after a while." Hikaru says.

"I can't focus in class and I've had 6 girls confess their love for me already. How do y'all deal with all these girls?" I ask tiredly.

"It just becomes a weekly occurrence and you get used to it." The twins say. "If it's bad right now imagine how it will be in the club."

"Not helping." I mumble. "I guess I'll just have to face my fate." I say and the bell rings for the next period.

After school in the Host Club

"You have a lot of clients today, congratulations." Kyoya says to me.

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