Chapter 2 First day pt.1

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Night's POV

I woke up around 5:30 to get ready for school and watch something before leaving the house. I don't have a Uniform so I was just wearing a white T-shirt with a rainbow on it (totally not a shirt I have on rn) and some gray shorts.

I got outside to see Haruhi in what I'm guessing is the Masculine Uniform. "How can you buy a Uniform in US dollars they're like $10000?" I asked him with a confused look.

"I got it from my club. Maybe if you join you might get one also." She said. "Though I don't think you'd be able too handle a very hyperactive member of the club." They stated immediately after.

"So a person with a golden retriever energy?" I questioned. 'I don't think I want too go to this club.' I thought too myself.

"I guess you could say that though he has these depressive episodes that normal last about 1-5 minutes." They stated trying too think about while we were walking to the school.

"Do you know how to get to the Principles or Headmasters office at the school?" I asked trying to kinda change the subject from people till we meet at lunch.

"Think so but I know a person who knows the school better then me so I can give him too you too show you the way." He said. "Though it's the same guy I was saying you might not handle his hyperactive personality. I hope that's ok."

"I guess that's fine." I said unsure if I should get myself ready or not. "When we meet them are you gonna introduce us too each other or do I have too do that?" I asked worried about my shitty people skills.

"He will probably introduce himself but I can introduce you too him if you want me too." They said calming my nerves a bit.

"That would be great." I said with a sigh of relief. "You might not remember this but I have terrible people skills."

"We're at Ouran now." He said as we stopped walking.

'Great I get too meet a energetic person on my day.' I thought to myself.

We walk too the second floor of the school and walk in and I see 6 people in the masculine Ouran uniform.

"Guys this is my friend Night I need Tamaki-senpai too show him to the headmasters office." Haruhi stated pointing a thumb behind them that's directed to me.

"Hi." I say quietly because I don't know anyone here.

"Hello Night I am Tamaki Suoh!" They exclaimed "How do know my sweet daughter Haruhi?" They asked I gave a very confused look.

"But Ryouji is her dad." I said still confused. "Wait aren't you in high school how could you be their father?" I asked. He immediately went to a corner growing mushrooms.

"Tamaki-senpai stop growing mushrooms and show him to the office please?" He asked the Tamaki. "You know the school better then me and I need too return these books to the school library."

"Anything for my darling Haruhi!" He yelled out. "Now follow me Night!" They yelled grabbing my wrist.

"Wait slow down please? You're running too fast." I asked them and they slowed down.

"So you never told me how you know Haruhi."They said.

"Well I used too live in Japan but moved to the US 7 years ago and moved back yesterday and when I was knocking on my neighbors door it was Haruhi and we were best friends before I moved." I explained then they got mor excited.

"Can you tell me anything about younger Haruhi!?" They asked/yelled.

"Umm they haven't changed much personality wise." I started oof. "She was always ready smart and serious." I said. "It's mostly because of their mom dying when he was at a young age." I finished.

"So not different from now?" They asked.

"Yeah I think she needs to loosen up a bit." I started. "They're always working hard right?" I asked knowing they would know.

"Yeah they study when not in the club and cooks dinner for her and his dad." They stated seemingly way calmer the earlier.

"Well not be rude but can we talk about ourselves I haven't heard anything about you except that you're very energetic and have short depressive episodes." I said.

"Well I was born in France and my pronouns are he/him." He said. "What about you?" He asked.

"Well I was born in Japan and also prefer he/him pronouns." I said. "I also got into Ouran with a scholarship in music and acting." I stated getting more comfortable around him.

"CAN YOU SING SOMETHING FOR ME?!" He yelled again louder then the pass 10+ times.

"Not yet I don't feel that comfortable around you too sing to you." I said nervously.

"That's fine you can sing when you're comfortable with it." He said with a charming smile that made me really happy for some reason.

"Thanks for understanding." I said with a smile back at him. "Also are we close? We've been talking for around 5 minutes." I asked

"CRAP WE WALKED PAST IT!" He yelled and grabbed my wrist the other way. "Ok here we are I'll wait out here for you." He said and smiled.

I walked in the waiting room of the office. "Hi I have too meet the headmaster for my class schedule." I said. "My name is Night Sato." I tolled the person at the desk in the waiting room.

"Mr. Suoh, Night Sato is here." They said in a slightly annoyed tone after pressing a button.

"Send them in." Someone said from the other side.

"Go in." They told me.

"Thank you." I said bowing.

I walked into the the office and got nervous immediately. "Welcome to Ouran." He said. "Here is your class schedule." He put a paper on his desk and I picked it up. "You can leave now." He said.

I walked out to meet back with Tamaki. "The headmaster is very intimidating." I said.

"Imagine having as a dad." Tamaki said.

I looked at him. "Wait you're his son?" I asked he just nodded.

"So what class are you in?" He asked. "I'll lead you there." He said smiling again.

"I'm in class 2A." I said looking at my schedule.

"So we have the same class!" He said. "Let's go!" He yelled and I just followed.

1079 works

Started 1/12/22

Finished 1/12/22

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