Chapter 14 Our first date pt.2

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TRIGGER WARNING!: Sexual Harassment!

Night's POV

Me and Tamaki get back to Olive Garden for lunch and we get seated down.

"What made you fall for me?" He asks me.

"You're personally. It might be different to mine but we complement each other's greatly, with your energetic or goofy personality and my calm and serious personality it goes good together." I say to him.

"I guess I know what you mean." He says obviously clueless.

"You don't know that I mean, do you?" I ask him and and shakes his head. "How do I explain this?" I ask myself. "You are very hyperactive and I'm very chill and those two are opposites but go good together and so does your silliness and my seriousness. It like complementary colors for example red and green are opposite color but go good together." I tell him. "You understand now?" I ask him.

"So it's like opposites attract?" He asked.

"Kinda but I'm not like super opposite to you like a emo introvert falling for a bubbly extrovert. The emo part I kinda correct but I'm not introvert." I say to him.

"Are you basing the first sentence on something?" He asked me.

"No at least not that I know of." I tell him. "Anyway I want to hear about you like your favorite type of music, movies and shows." I say to him.

"The music I like the best it classical music, it's so calming and helps me sleep when I can't. Then with movies I'd have to say romance or romantic comedies and for shows reality tv like the bachelor." He said.  "What about you?" He asked excitedly.

"I like singer/songwriter music like things by Taylor Swift or Brittany Spears. For movies I like musicals. For shows I like true crime shows like NCIS." I tell him.

"Thanks cool!" He said enthusiastically.

Then the waitress comes to our table and asks us what we want to drink and we order it.

"Alright I'll get that for you two." She said and left but not before winking at Tamaki.

"Did she just wink to me?" He asked.

"Yeah she did." I said angrily.

"No need to be angry. If she asks me for my number or on a date I'll tell her I'm on one right now." He told me.

"That might just start another problem for us." I told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"2 guys on a date." Is all I said.

"Oh right, I forgot people aren't that excepting of 2 people of the same gender dating." He said sadly.

"If she asks you anything like 'would you like to go on a date with me' or 'can I have your number' you can just politely say no." I told him.

"Right that is something I can do. Besides I already have you and you are more then enough for me." He said to me.

"Let's just continue the date, I'd like to get to know more about you." I say to him.

"Well there is already a lot you know about me." He told me. "What else do you want to know about me?" He asked.

"How about how you decided to start the host club?" I said.

Then the waitress comes back. "I got your drinks, are you ready to order you?" She asked kindly.

"Thank you, I'm ready to order." I say with a fake smile.

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