Chapter 18.5 Crying it out

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Night's POV

It's been around a week since the day my dad got here and arrested for attempt at murder and breaking and entering. I'm happy that he's gone but still shaken up about the whole situation.

Right now I was with Tamaki at his house trying not to break down crying in front of him.

"You ok?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yep, I'm perfectly fine." I told him.

He looked at me and frowned. "I can tell in your eyes that you're lying." He told me. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I looked at him and sighed. "What happened last week is still effecting me and I'm trying my hardest not to cry right now." I told him.

He sighed and stared into my eyes. "You can cry it out without any judgement from me, it's good to cry once in a while." He told me.

My eyes started to water and I hugged him tightly letting the tiers run down my face. "I needed this." I told him while my head was on his shoulder.

He started patting my back. "Just cry it out, I'm here for you whenever you need me." He told me.

"I think I need a nap." I told him and pulled him down so we're laying on the bed instead of sitting. "Good night Tama." I said tiredly.

"Good night Night." He said and put his head on my shoulder.

240 words

Started: 3/12/22

Finished: 3/12/22

A/N: I wanted to write a short chapter because I was bored and wanted to do a chapter that was happy since the last one had trauma and sad and all the negative thing. Anyway I hope you have a great morning, day, afternoon or evening bye!

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