Chapter 17 The gay host VS the Lobelia lesbian

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Night's POV

The host club wasn't open today for event planning and we were having a little trouble figuring out a theme.

"How about a maiden theme?" A woman asked from behind me and Tamaki.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted and jumped of the couch looking at the woman confused.

"You added a new guy to your club? You a womanizer to?" She asked.

"I'm gay thank you very much." I told her.

"Then why are you in a club these men?" She asked.

"Because I like helping my boyfriend with his club." I said crossing my arms. "Is there something wrong with helping my boyfriend?" I asked her.

"I'm not here to bother with you, I'm here bring this lovely maiden back with me to Lobelia." She said.

"Don't be rude to my best friend." Haruhi told her.

"He's your best friend? Why would you be best friends with a man?" She asked them.

"In this club we don't give a shit about gender so if you came into this club room to insult my friends and boyfriend then you can fucking leave along with your bitch ass attitude." I told her.

"You really want to talk to me that way?" She asked glaring at me.

"Yeah, I do and if you think you can intimidate me with your glaring you're sourly mistaken." I said glaring back at her.

"Calm down and stop it!" Haruhi shouted at us.

"No, I'm not gonna let a person insult my friends and especially not my boyfriend." I told him still glaring.

"Calm down babe." Tamaki told me.

"Listen to them, you can't do anything to hurt me." The woman told me smirking at me.

"How I'd love to slap that smirk off your face but I don't want to anger my boyfriend." I said sitting back down with Tamaki.

"Thank you babe." Tamaki said and kissed.

When we pulled apart saw a disgusted on the woman's face.

"You want to say something?" I asked. "It you do, I'd advise you to choose your words wisely or I will drag you out of this room." I warned her.

"Men are disgusting, how could you kiss one?" She said disgusted.

"I'm gay, I don't romantically or sexually like women." I said.

"I think that's enough for today, thank you for coming." Tamaki said trying to push her out.

"Not till I get this maiden out of your club and away for you disgusting men." She said slapped Tamaki's hand away.

"That would be a problem because I'm neighbors with them and our parents are dating so we see each other a lot." I told her.

"At least I can get the other men away from her." She said angrily.

"I sometimes have them over and would invite Haruhi over to spend time with us." I countered.

"And I told you that I don't wanna come to Lobelia." Haruhi added.

Without warning she kissed Haruhi and they pushed her off of herself.

"Why would you push me away?" She asked Haruhi.

"Because you don't kiss someone without asking unless you know they share the same feelings as you." I told her.

"I didn't as you walking hot topic!" She yelled.

"He's right." Haruhi said.

"But I know you feel the same." She said.

"Thinking and knowing are to different things." I said.

"I told you to shut up you man fucker!" She yelled marching to me.

"What are you gonna do? Hit me? Kick me?" I asked calmly. "I've been through worse." I said.

With that she slapped to across face and in return I slipped her off her feet.

"That was assault!" She shouted.

"No, that was self defense considering you hit me first." I said walking over to Tamaki.

"After this over want to come to my house?" He asked.

"Sure but it might be a while." I said walking back to her and holding my hand out with my hand out. "Take my hand then leave me and leave before you get hurt again." I told the woman.

"Lady Benibara!" 2 girls shouted.

"What did you do to her?!" One of the girls shouted.

"I was protecting myself and giving her a chance to leave me, my friends and boyfriend alone." I answered smiling.

"He's going easy on her." Haruhi said.

"What do you mean Haru-Chan?" Honey asked.

"They mean I can get very very protective so this is your last chance, get up and leave or I call security for you sneaking onto school property." I told Benibara. "What will it be?" I asked.

"I-" She started but cut herself off. "We'll be leaving now, but we will be back." She told me and she started leaving.

"Alright but next time don't insult my friends and boyfriend or you'll do something worse then I just did." I told her waving bye to her.

"N-Chan can be scary." Honey said.

"You haven't seen him in full rage mode yet, it probably got worse over the years." Haruhi said.

"It has so none of you want to make me angry." I told them.

They all nodded except Mori and Kyoya as expected.

"Now let me take you to my place." Tamaki told me.

"Sure." I said. "I need to relieve this anger some how." I whispered to him.

"I-I-" He started but cut himself off. "Oh fuck me." He whispered.

"That's the plan." I told him. "Next event it princesses! No changing my mind!" I shouted as I walked out.

"Let's get home ASAP." Tamaki told me.

"Hope you can walk tomorrow morning." I told him.

"If not it'll be worth it." He said.

We arrived at his limo and we hopped in then left the school while cuddling inside feeling very horny.

963 words

Started: 3/4/22

Finished 3/4/22

A/N: Sorry this took a bit to come out, I've been distracted with reading other people's fanfics because I like reading them. Like I said I'm very sorry. Well, more like kinda sorry but still sorry either way I'm at least some form of sorry. Anyway I hope you have a great morning, day, afternoon or evening bye!

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