Chp. 1 - Visit

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Uhm, yeah, first chapter :3
Hope you enjoy it and anyways, moving on, I have absolutely no idea what to say.

"BROSKI!" Fresh cheered excitedly while Error yelped and then frowned.
"Get off me!" Error hissed, swatting lightly at his brother, who simply laughed at Error.
"Oh come on brah! Don't be liek dat!"
"[FUNK] off Fresh!" Error hissed.
It was just another normal day of banter between the two, and it's just becoming normal at this point for those that inhabits the house.

Geno sighed slightly, looking at his brothers. ,,Bros, do you need to fight again?"
He asked, tilting his head a bit.  He sounded a bit bored, looking at his younger brother's with a raised bone brow.

"He started it by surprising me!" Error yelled as he pointed at Fresh with a pout.
"I did nuffin of the sorts broski!" Fresh raised his hands up while snickering lightly.
"I'm jus' innocently standin' here broski!" Fresh laughed a bit.

Geno sighed, before coughing. 
The child shuddered and looked then at his brothers. ,,C'mon... we Don't need you two to fight every day... please?"
Geno tried and looked at the two younger ones.

Error glances at Geno and quickly felt guilt eat at him at seeing his brother's condition worsening once more, glaring at Fresh for a bit before huffing.
"Fine." Error grumbled before worriedly walking towards Geno.
"Are you okay though?" Error worriedly asked while Fresh just raised a brow, tilting his skull a bit.
Geno nodded slightly, rubbing his chest.
,,Ye-yeah... I'm okay now. It just hurts a little bit, don't worry about me! It's normal."
The child said and smiled a bit at Error.

"It may be normal but it's still worrying..."
Error frowned at Geno while Fresh then walked towards Geno and booped his cheekbones.
"Well, s'not like broski's gonna drop dead anytime soon so he's def fine!"
Fresh cheered and Error simply glared at Fresh, his fingers twitching to do something, anything. He needs his pillow.
Geno giggled a bit, before nodding: ,,Yup! Not gonna die soon!"
The child coughed again before saying: ,,Besides, I had this my whole life, I can deal with it!" The older one smiled at Error.

"But..." Error mumbled before frowning and slowly nodding.
"Okay..." Error softly added while Fresh chuckled, patting Geno's back as careful as he can.
"See dawg? I'm right!" "I'm not a dog." Error growled, narrowing his eyesockets at Fresh.
"Nah fam! Not dog! I meant dawg!"
"... What the [FUNK] is the difference?"
Geno blinked a bit. ,,Well, Guess it's just Fresh's Lingo." He hummed, tilting his head a bit.

"His lingo sucks." Error deadpanned.
"Ayo broski, that's totes unrad of ya to diss mah lingo!" Fresh whined in 'annoyance'.
"Like I care!" Error threw his hands into the air, he was very annoyed now to say the least.
Geno tilted his head. ,,Aww, C'mon bro. It's not that bad! Right?" The kid tilted his head a bit.

"His lingo sucks. End of story." Error huffed, unfortunately for him, his story isn't.
"Oh come on broski! I'm not that bad!"
"You definitely are!" Error whined, stomping on his foot in annoyance.

Geno tilted his head a bit. ,,Error, are you okay?"
He asked with an amused voice, looking at his brother smiling.
"Just peachy." Error said sarcastically and Fresh snorted.
"Don't pretend you find what I said funny!" Error pointed at Fresh with a glare and Fresh simply shrugged with an 'amused' grin.

Geno tilted his head slightly, smiling unsure at Error. ,,Well..." He hummed, looking a bit around.
,,...Hug?" He then asked, offering his brother a hug.
Error stared at Geno for a bit before grumbling and then walking towards him, hugging his older brother.
Not too tightly though, for he doesn't want him to go into a coughing fit again.
Error buried his skull on Geno's ribs and murmuring nonsense under his breath.

Geno smiled happily and rubbed Error's skull. ,,Are you... feeling better now?"
He asked the younger and smaller one.
"Maybe..." Error's muffled reply answered Geno, still hugging his brother.
"M'gonna go and see if Ma's comin' up or if she's late again!"
Fresh chirped, skipping to the front door and Error just hummed in acknowledgement, guilt now starting to eat at him once he realized that he's almost gone too far at Fresh, and actually might've hurted him this time.
He hates it so much...
,,Alright, bro!" Geno said in his cheerful voice, waving after Fresh.
It was a miracle how he was almost always this cheerful.


Time passed for a bit before Fresh gasped at seeing the headlights of a car.
It was 9 pm now and they had just finished eating their leftover meal from lunch, and the morning that CQ has prepared the lunch for them.
Eh, it was enough. Especially since none of them can cook, not Geno because of his sickness, and not Error because he doesn't know how.
Fresh isn't even old enough to cook yet. "Ma's here!"

Geno cheered lightly, as CQ entered the house. ,,Mom!"
He called and ran to his mother, hugging her. CQ smiled and petted Geno's head.
,,Hello, Gen-Gen." She greeted her son, before looking lightly smiling at Fresh and Error.
,,Hey, Ruru and Freshy." The woman hummed then.

"Hello ma!" "Hello mama." Error then walked towards CQ happily and hugged her, Fresh simply just running up and hugging CQ happily.
"Ma, I'm done with my homework." Error hummed, he always likes to announce that, knowing that it somehow brightens his mom's day, especially when he gets good grades... Only times he doesn't was when he has to present.
He hates it with a passion...

CQ smiled at Error and patted his head lightly. ,,That's very good, thank you for doing so."
She said and looked at Error, with a slight proud glint in her eyes.
,,Now, did you three already eat?" The woman asked then.
,,Yup!" Geno cheered smiling.
"Yeah ma! We heated up dah leftova food!" Fresh chirped.
"Taste was totes rad like always!" Fresh grinned and Error grumbled.
"Can't help but agree with Fresh... Because it does tastes good like always..." Error sheepishly said, shyly ducking his skull into his sweater.

CQ smiled at that. ,,That's good... I am happy that it tastes you."
The woman hummed, while Geno smiled.
,,Your cooking is awesome, Mom!" The child agreed to his brothers.
"Yep! Oh! Ma you should go rest for a bit!" Fresh cheered and Error gasped a bit.

"Right- I'll deliver your stuff to your office!" Error couldn't help but softly cheer, being helpful always made him feel good really.
He then moved and carefully picked up the important items and then walking up the stairs.
The stairs of doom, he doesn't trust it really but what can he do.
CQ wanted to say something, but just sighed, as Error was already on his way.
She just picked up the other stuff, following her son quickly.

Fresh then glanced at Geno before poking his ticklish side and snickering. He was still a child after all.
Geno laughed slightly and grinned at Fresh. ,,Fresh!"
He snickered and tickled Fresh back.
"Broski!" Fresh then tickled Geno back, the little tickle fight going back and forth until a knock sounded out from the front door.

Geno stopped tickling Fresh, looking at the door in confusion.
The child looked at Fresh, before standing up. ,,Come, we're telling Mom." He said to his younger brother.
Fresh nodded and then quickly began to speedwalk towards the upstairs room, to find that Error was already going downstairs with CQ. "Ma, someone's at the door."

CQ blinked, tilting his head in confusion.
,,Who would come at this hour?" She mumbled, going slowly to the door.
,,Uh... hello?" She said slowly, looking at the man at the door.
The man did a light bow. ,,Good evening, Miss. My name is Liebemann."

Fresh then blinked before narrowing his eyesockets suspiciously at Liebemann, the action going unnoticed as he wore shades.
Error blinking before hugging his pillow and then holding his mother's hand nervously.

CQ raised an eyebrow. ,,And... what are you doing here?"
She asked slowly, her eyes darting confused over Liebemann.
Geno looked up at his mother, before looking confused at his brothers.
The Man laughed a weirdly smooth laugh.
,,Well, I am the leader of the cult and your son -" Liebemann pointed at Error - ,,Is the next chosen one to save the town by donating!"
CQ stared at Liebemann. She stared at him for a very long time.
,,What the [FUNK]." She said then.


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