Chp. 41 - Dads are embarrassing

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The door of the mansion opened and Ink rushed happily in, not minding the ones behind him. He was just happy to be home.

He immediately got pulled into a hug from Geno, as the child had begun to greet him and Error everytime with a hug, when they came home.
Error then entered the room as well, followed by Comyet.

"CQ! Asy! We're home!" Comyet called towards the two, just incase CQ was working in her office again.
CQ came actually from her office, being quite fast as she stumbled a bit. ,,Oh, hey Comyet!"
She said, smiling sheepishly, not minding a piece if paper sticking onto her arm.

"Please tell me that you didn't stay almost the whole day in your office again?"
Comyet raised a brow in slight amusement while Asy then came out of his room.

"Oh, Hey Com!" Asy waved.
"Salut Ink! Hello Error." Asy smiled and Error waved lightly, then rushing towards CQ.
"Mama! I got a gift for you!" Error chirped happily.

CQ glanced at Comyet and cleared her throat. ,,Then I uhm- am just gonna say nothing-"
She answered, before looking at Error.

,,What is it, Ruru?"
She hummed, rubbing her son's head. Ink waved at Asy, before turning to CQ and Error, watching in interest.

Comyet just sighed and shook her head lightly before leaning down and petting Geno. "I got you your favorite Ice cream."
Comyet smiled lightly. "Error and Ink already finished theirs."
Comyet then gave Geno the ice cream, oh, so that's what the bag is for... Cold treats.

"Look mama!" Error exclaimed as he then grabbed something from his pocket and showed it to CQ, A lottery ticket.

CQ took the lottery ticket in confusion and stared it. ,,I... have absolutely no idea what that is." She then said honestly.

Geno gasped and took the ice cream happily.
,,Thank you! Ice cream!" He cheered and began to eat happily.

"It's a lottery ticket, CQ." Asy raised a brow, glancing at Comyet, who slowly shrugged.
"Error wouldn't stop asking me to help him get one so..." Comyet sheepishly smiled while Asy shook his skull and then glanced at the Lottery ticket.
"Eh, might as well try... What time is the lottery?"
"For the television, it should be around 10 pm, like usual." Comyet spoke. "I see."

,,That's a lottery ticket...? Why?" CQ looked at Error in confusion.
,,How does this even work?" The woman tilted her head.

"Ms. Comyet helped me! I chose the letters and circled them, then I wrote it down on the paper that I stuck to the side!" Error chirped as he then pointed at it.

"Basically, you just choose numbers that you think will give you the winning jackpot and then write it down so you won't forget. Then you wait for the lottery game that's hosted on the TV every night and see if you got the jackpot." Comyet began.

"You'll know you hit jackpot when all the numbers you have are in the TV, in the same specific order." Asy added in and Comyet nodded.
"Error really wanted to make you happy so I bought a ticket and have him choose the numbers." Comyet snickered softly and Error nodded excitedly.

CQ stared for a bit, before rubbing her temple and mumbling to herself.
She then smiled at Error and kneeled down to him, to rub his head.
,,Awww, Ruru. That's really nice of you! But your really didn't need to do that, I am already happy without it, I mean I have you and your brothers."

"But mama! I wanna help you make money!" Error huffed childishly.
"Did I mention that Lotteries are usually the reason why people became millionaires?" Asy sheepishly said. "No? Well now you know."

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