Chp. 48 - Alptraum

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It was night time now, and it's been days since the last time he's seen Nightmare, a sniffle was heard as he curled up in the bathtub, pretty much making sure that none of his brothers hear him cry, especially Fresh and Geno, especially since Fresh just got out of the hospital two days ago!

A small whimper escaped Error as he then curled up even more, tears trailing down his cheeks as he tried to keep convincing himself that Nightmare hadn't abandoned him.
It was fine after all! It was okay! Nightymare was just busy! It's all good! It's fine!
Like Mr. Reaper said, Nightymare is probably just doing something important! It's okay... He's not important at all, it's fine, it really is...

Choking on a quiet sob, Error couldn't help but feel betrayed however, Nightymare promised... He really did... What if he doesn't like Error anymore? Did Error do something wrong?
Did something happen and Nightmare has to leave Error? He doesn't know, all he knows of is that he wants Nightmare... But- But that's a selfish thought...

He shouldn't be selfish, there's like, more people tthat would need Nightymare more than him! Yeah- yeah that's right... He's... He's not as important as them... Never... He's never important, he shouldn't be!
But... He still feels sad- Negative, he really should stop. He shouldn't be such a baby about it!

Damn it Error, stop being such a baby... He shouldn't be a baby, he's grown up now!
Sniffling  he wiped more tears and then burying his skull into his knees, he lets out more sobs as the negative thoughts continued to consume his already fragile mind.

Too much negativity, bad bad bad, why is he this negative, why, why, why?? He's probably unintentionally trying to call Nightymare, especially since Nightymare said that negativity calls him... He should stop- why can't he stop?

"Nightymare..." Error cried out, he wants Nightmare, really bad, he wants his Guardian... He- he wants his Papa... He doesn't wanna be alone- why has he attached himself to Nightmare so bad?!

Why?! He's such a baby- he really should stop- he can't be such a baby, why is he crying so much?! He wants to stop- he really does, but he can't...
All he wants is Nightmare, he misses him, he misses him, he misses his Guardian Papa, he wants Nightymare-

Without Error's notice - as he was crying, how should he notice - the shadows began moving, before Nightmare suddenly emerged from them, hissing and growling.
His eyelight was a lonely slit, tentacles sharpened, as the guardian looked around, his mouth having formed into terrifying fangs.

He then turned around, looking at Error. The tentacles of the guardian softened, as he didn't see any threat, but his expression morphed into panic.
One tentacle of his ripped something glowing out of his shoulder and threw it away, before another one warped around Error and pulled Error into a hug. ,,Error- Hey, My little prince, I am sorry, really- calm down, shhhh- What's wrong?" Error got now pets.

Error lets out a surprised squeak as he was then suddenly pulled into the all too familiar hug, looking up, he then teared up even more.
"Niiightyyyy...." Error then wailed in realization and clung to Nightmare, now loudly sobbing, him having his face buried into Nightmare muffling his sobs as he clung to his Negative Guardian.

Nightmare petted Error and sucked his negativity up like some kind of slushy. ,,It's okay, it's okay Ruru... I am so sorry that I couldn't come- so, so sorry-"
Error just kept clinging to Nightmare more as he kept sobbing, his negativity was concerningly potent, as if it was stored in a bottle for a while and only just now bursting... Which, considering how Error tends to act, would definitely be the case.

"Nighty..." All previous thoughts of Error had disappeared, only thing clouding in his mind now was that Nightmare's here, his Guardian is here, he hasn't abandoned him entirely.
He then tightened his grip on Nightmare's shirt and lets out more loud, yet muffled, sounds.

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